Rds > Rds Assembly Interfaces > IMetaDictionaryInstance > IMetaDictionaryInstance.GetData
GetData(Element: Integer; [bEdit: Boolean = False]): IMetaDictionaryData;
Element - dictionary element key.
bEdit - parameter of receiving data. Optional parameter. Default value - False - receive data to read.
The GetData method returns data of time series database for a specified element.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the OBJ_FC identifier.Rules must be specified for time series dictionary of this time series database.
Sub Main;
Mb: Imetabase;
RubD: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
RubrIn: IRubricatorInstance;
DictInst: IMetaDictionaryInstance;
MDD: IMetaDictionaryData;
Rule: IMetaDataRule;
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
RubD := Mb.ItemById("OBJ_FC");
RubrIn := RubD.Open(Null) As IRubricatorInstance;
DictInst := RubrIn.Facts;
MDD := DictInst.GetData(0);
If Not MDD.EvaluateRules(Rule) Then
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example, time series dictionary rules are checked on received factor data. If any rule is not executed its name is displayed in console window.
See also: