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Python > Python Assembly Interfaces > IPythonUtils > IPythonUtils.Invoke



Invoke(ModuleName: String; FunctionName: String; Params: Array): Variant;

Invoke(ModuleName: String; FunctionName: String; paramarray Params: Array of Object): Object;


ModuleName. Name of unit with a Python code. The name is case-sensitive.

FunctionName. Name of executed function. The name is case-sensitive.

Params. Array of parameter values that must be sent to executed function.


The Invoke method executes function in the Python language and returns result of its work.


Before executing any functions, set the folder with a Python unit using the AddFolderToPythonPath method. If a folder is not determined, the unit is searched for in the current folder, from which the analytics platform has been started.

Unit name in the ModuleName parameter is specified without extension.

If the executed function does not contain input parameters, do not specify Params. Values of parameters in Params can be sent as a separate array or enumerated via a comma. Simple type values, such as, String, Char, Integer, Double, Decimal, Currency, Boolean (types str, int, float, bool in Python), are sent according to Fore syntax without transformations. The Null value corresponds to the None value in the Python language. If a Python function receives an object of some Python class, list, or tuple as an input parameter, create the corresponding object using the Fore class: PythonClassObject, PythonList, PythonTuple.

If the function has parameters with default values, and it is required to send only part of parameters, use named parameters. Named parameters are implemented by the PythonParameter class. Create parameters with required names, set value for them and send them to the Invoke method.


Executing the example requires a folder with units: d:\Work\Python\. The folder contains the sample.en unit. The following function is implemented in the unit:

def summXY(x, y):

return x + y

Add a link to the Python system assembly.

Sub UserProc;
    pUtils: IPythonUtils;
    Result: Variant;
    pUtils := 
New PythonUtils.Create;
    Result := pUtils.Invoke("sample""summXY"100500);
End Sub UserProc;

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Python;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    pUtils: IPythonUtils = 
New PythonUtilsClass();
    Result: object;
    Result := pUtils.Invoke(
End Sub;

On executing the example a function in the Python language is executed that sums two numbers sent in parameters. The result of function execution is displayed in the development environment console.

See also:
