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Pivot > Pivot Assembly Interfaces > IPivotFilterSettings > IPivotFilterSettings.AttributeLinks


Fore Syntax

AttributeLinks: IPivotFilterAttributeLinks;

Fore.NET Syntax

AttributeLinks: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Pivot.IPivotFilterAttributeLinks;


The AttributeLinks property returns filtering parameters by dimension attributes links.


This type of filtering enables the user to manage displayed data not by actual values in the cells, but by values of particular attributes of dimension elements. The established link works according to the same rule, which is used in working of controlling dimensions in cubes.

Filtering is executed as follows:

If after filtering there is no any element of the second dimension left for the first dimension element, this first dimension element is also excluded from the sample.

A link between two dimension is two-sided and depends on location of dimensions:

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for IPivotFilterAttributeLinks.Add.

See also:
