
Assembly: Pivot;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Pivot;


The IPivot interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an object that is a base for building a data table.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with table data, use properties and methods of the IPivotTable interface.


  Property name Brief description
Outdated. The ABCColumn property determines index of the column, by which the 80/20 analysis is executed.
Outdated. The ABCRow property determines index of the row, by which the 80/20 analysis is executed.
The AggregationElement property determines the element, by which data is set by dimensions to matrix.
The BroughtOutDim property determines a metrics dimension.
The BroughtOutDimValue property determines index of metrics dimension element on using the Value».
The BuildWithEmptyHeader property returns whether heading or sidehead are built when selection is empty.
The CalculateDataRights property determines whether data access permissions should be calculated.
The DataCacheEnabled property returns whether the user works with cached source data.
The DataSource property determines data source, which data is contained in the table.
The DimCount property returns the number of data source dimensions, on which the table data is based.
The Dimensions property returns the collection of data sources dimensions, on which the table is based.
The DimItem property returns dimension data.
The DrillThrough property determines whether table data is drilled through into relational table.
The Evaluator property returns settings of calculated table factors.
The Filter property returns filtering parameters.
The FixedElementsAggregation property determines aggregation method that is applied on multiple selection in fixed dimensions.
The FixedHeader property returns the collection of fixed dimensions.
The HasScaledData property returns whether measurement units are taken into account on conditional formatting.
The HeadersAndData property determines whether a table is created.
The Highlight property returns parameters of table data highlighting.
The IsAggregationCalced property returns whether aggregation is calculated.
Outdated. The IsRedoAvailable property returns whether operations that can be repeated exist.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.UndoCount.
The KeepDataMatrix property determines whether data matrix should be cleared after extracting data from it.
The LastException property returns information about the last occurred error in the table.
The LeftHeader property returns the collection of dimensions of data sources that are arranged in rows.
The Locked property returns whether table rerendering is locked.
The Matrix property returns table data as a matrix.
The MergedNamingMode property determines a method for merging elements of different dimensions.
The MergedNamingSeparator property determines the separator that will be used on merging names of elements from different dimensions.
The ObtainDataMode property determines data transformation mode in table.
The Pareto property returns 80/20 analysis parameters.
The RankAreaType determines area, by which values data is ranked.
The RankType property determines a method of data ranking.
The Selection property returns the selection, according to which express report data table is built up.
The SeparateCombinedDimsNamings property determines merging of dimension name additional attributes in table.
The SortDiapason property determines a mode, in which sorting in the express report table is executed.
The Sorter property returns parameters of sorting in the table.
The SplitNamings property determines whether several attributes can be output into one table column.
The Stub property returns table data source as an abstract source.
The TopHeader property returns the dimensions collection of data sources arranged in columns.
The UndoRedo property returns undo/redo stack parameters of express report table.
The UseDataCache property determines whether data cache is used while working with the table.
Outdated. The ValueArea property determines a value view area.
The ValueAreaType property determines area, for which data view format is set.
Outdated. The ValueFormat property determines a format of value view in the table.
The ValueType property determines a data view format.
The ViewMode property determines a mode of table displaying.
The ViewOptions property determines a mode of displaying composite dimensions in express report table.


  Method name Brief description
The AddEventHandler method determines a table event handler.
The BeginUpdate method disables any table rerendering.
The BeginSelectionUpdate method disables selection in data source while changing selection in the table.
The CanUngroupElement method determines whether to cancel data grouping after column grouping on drillthrough into relational data.
The EndUpdate method resumes table rerendering after the BeginUpdate method paused it.
The EndSelectionUpdate method resumes application of selection in data source on changing selection in the table.
The FlushDataCache method clears data cache.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Flush.
The GroupElement method groups column data on drillthrough into relational data.
The ObtainTable method builds and returns data table.
The ObtainTables method returns the collection of data tables variants.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Redo.
The Refresh method refreshes data table.
The RemoveEventHandler method removes table event handler.
The Turn method turns a table.
Outdated. Use IUndoRedo.Undo.
The UngroupElement method cancels data grouping after column grouping on drillthrough into relational data.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces