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Orm > Orm Assembly Interfaces > IOrmCondition > IOrmCondition.ConditionJoin


Fore Syntax

ConditionJoin: OrmLogicalOperator;

Fore.NET Syntax

ConditionJoin: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Orm.OrmLogicalOperator;


The ConditionJoin property determines a logical operator that is used to join the current condition with the previous one.


The logical AND is used by default, that is, ConditionJoin = OrmLogicalOperator.And_.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the TSDB identifier containing an integer attribute of time series with the COUNTRY identifier. The database series should be identified with mnemonics.

Add links to the Cubes, Metabase, Orm, and Rds system assemblies.

Sub UserConditionJoin;
    MB: IMetabase;
    RubrInst: IRubricatorInstance;
    FactsLookup: IRubricatorFactsLookup;
    MetaDLookup: IMetaDictionaryLookup;
    Conds: IOrmConditions;
    Cond_1, Cond_2: IOrmCondition;
    Factors: Array;
    i: Integer;
    Factor: IRubricatorFactor;
    FactData: IRubricatorFactData;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get instance of time series database
    RubrInst := MB.ItemById("TSDB").Open(NullAs IRubricatorInstance;
    // Create an object that is used to search factors
    FactsLookup := RubrInst.CreateFactsLookup;
    MetaDLookup := FactsLookup.Lookup;
    Conds := MetaDLookup.Where;
    // Add condition 1
    Cond_1 := Conds.Add;
    Cond_1.AttributeName := "COUNTRY";
    Cond_1.Value := 512;
    // Add condition 2
    Cond_2 := Conds.Add;
    Cond_2.ConditionJoin := OrmLogicalOperator.Or_;
    Cond_2.AttributeName := "COUNTRY";
    Cond_2.Value := 914;
    // Search and display search results in the console window
    Factors := FactsLookup.GetFactors;
    If Factors <> Null Then
        For i := 0 To Factors.Length - 1 Do
            Factor := Factors[i];
            FactData := Factor.FactData;
            Debug.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString + ". " + FactData.Mnemo);
        End For;
    End If;
End Sub UserConditionJoin;

After executing the example the console window displays mnemonics of the time series corresponding to the conditions: value of the COUNTRY attribute is equal to 512 or 914.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Orm;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    MB: IMetabase;
    RubrInst: IRubricatorInstance;
    FactsLookup: IRubricatorFactsLookup;
    MetaDLookup: IMetaDictionaryLookup;
    Conds: IOrmConditions;
    Cond_1, Cond_2: IOrmCondition;
    Factors: Array;
    i: Integer;
    Factor: IRubricatorFactor;
    FactData: IRubricatorFactData;
    MB := Params.Metabase;
    // Get instance of time series database
    RubrInst := MB.ItemById["TSDB"].Open(NullAs IRubricatorInstance;
    // Create an object that is used to search factors
    FactsLookup := RubrInst.CreateFactsLookup();
    MetaDLookup := FactsLookup.Lookup;
    Conds := MetaDLookup.Where;
    // Add condition 1
    Cond_1 := Conds.Add();
    Cond_1.AttributeName := "COUNTRY";
    Cond_1.Value := 512;
    // Add condition 2
    Cond_2 := Conds.Add();
    Cond_2.ConditionJoin := OrmLogicalOperator.oloOr;
    Cond_2.AttributeName := "COUNTRY";
    Cond_2.Value := 914;
    // Search and display search results in the console window
    Factors := FactsLookup.GetFactors();
    If Factors <> Null Then
        For i := 0 To Factors.Length - 1 Do
            Factor := Factors.GetValue(i) As IRubricatorFactor;
            FactData := Factor.FactData;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString() + ". " + FactData.Mnemo);
        End For;
    End If;
End Sub;

See also:
