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Orm > Orm Assembly Enumerations > OrmComparisonOperator



The OrmComparisonOperator enumeration contains types of comparison operator.

It is used by the following properties:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. None.
1 Equal. Equal.
2 NotEqual. Not equal.
3 NotLike. Not equal (comparison by mask).
4 Like. Equal (comparison by mask).
5 Greater. Greater.
6 GreaterOrEqual. Greater or equal.
7 Less. Less.
8 LessOrEqual. Less or equal.
9 In_. There is a number in an array.
10 NotIn. There is no number in an array.
11 Exists. Exists.
12 NotExists. Does not exist.
13 InSelect. Selected.
14 NotInSelect. Not selected.
15 Conditions. Conditions. If this type of operator is used, use IOrmCondition.Nested to create nested conditions.
16 NotConditions. No condition. If this type of operator is used, use IOrmCondition.Nested to create nested conditions.
17 IsNull. Null.
18 IsNotNull. Not null.
20 InQuery. Subquery. It enables the user to create a custom subquery as an SQL string that will be added to the main query condition.
256 Join. Join.
257 JoinEqual. Equal join.
261 JoinGreater. Greater join.
512 FreeText. Free text search. If the FreeText operator is set in the ORM condition, the attribute value is checked with the IComparerClass.FreeTextComparer.Compare (IComparerClass.FreeTextComparer).
1024 MatchCase. Match case.
2048 WholeWord. Match whole word.

See also:

Orm Assembly Enumerations