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Ms > About the MS Assembly > General Principles of Programming using Ms Assembly

General Principles of Programming using Ms Assembly

The Ms assembly is used for modelling. Programming in Fore using this assembly consists in creating and setting up modeling container objects designed to solve problems of mathematical modelling of dynamic systems.

The following objects are used for modelling:

These objects are worked in  modeling container   environment using the IMsModelSpace interface.

Modeling is performed in accordance with the following scheme:

Then the sequential modelling of balance of trade is described as example. Balance of trade is the difference between export and import, thus the modelling is quite simple:

First of all, a modeling container is required. Modeling container creation is described in the Creating a Modeling Container example. Create a user modeling container with the MODEL_SPACE identifier. Then execute the following steps:

See also:

Ms Assembly Classes | Ms Assembly Interfaces | Ms Assembly Enumerations | Examples | Ms Assembly Hierarchy