Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IValidationFilter > IValidationFilter.GetComponentsByFactor
GetComponentsByFactor(FactorKey: Integer; Date: DateTime; UseDate:Boolean): Array;
GetComponentsByFactor(FactorKey: uinteger; Date: DateTime; UseDate: boolean): System.Array;
FactorKey. Factor key.
Date. Calendar point that requires getting the components.
UseDate. Determines whether to get the components only for the point that is set by the Date parameter.
The GetComponentsByFactor method returns an array of component series, for which validation was executed for a specified time series.
GetComponentsByFactor does not return the user components, that are set in the IValidationFilter.UserComponents property.
Each array element is implemented by the IValidationComponent interface. If validation does not contain the components (for example, MissingData), the array is empty.
The UseDate parameter is used only for the ComponentMismatch validation.
Validation types, which do not contain the elements: MissingData, MissingMetaData, Level, GrowthRate, StatisticalOutliers.
Types of validations, for which there always is one component: Trend, RevisionComparison, CrossFrequency, Correlation.
The number of components for other types of validation can vary.
The property use is given in the example for IValidationComponent.Factor.
See also: