Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > ITimeSeries > ITimeSeries.Attributes
Attributes(AttributeID: String): Variant;
AttributeID. Attribute identifier.
The Attributes property determines value of the specified series attribute.
This property simplifies access to values of factor attributes for data series if the user works with the modeling container that belongs to the time series database.
If the user specifies identifier of an optional attribute in the AttributeID parameter, the property returns Null, if the values of this attribute are not received on data loading. Use the IMsFormulaTransform.AdditionalAttributes property to load data from optional attributes of the time series database.
This example describes custom method. The data series is passed as a whole, not by points. The time series database that contains the calculated series must have a string factor attribute with the COMM identifier.
Public Function UserFunc(Serie: ITimeSeries): ITimeSeries;
Serie.Attributes("COMM") := Added comment;
Return Serie;
End Function UserFunc;
The method fills the value of the COMM attribute for calculated data series.
See also: