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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsValueAtRiskTransform > IMsValueAtRiskTransform.Portfolio


Fore Syntax

Portfolio: IMsFormulaTermInfo;

Fore.NET Syntax

Portfolio: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.IMsFormulaTermInfo;


The Portfolio property determines the term that corresponds to variable containing portfolio data.


Portfolio contains the list of organizations and number of financial tools that organizations have. The variable, that contains the information about portfolio, consists of the following dimensions:

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains dictionaries with the identifiers:

These dictionaries are used for variable dimensions described below.

The repository should contain a modeling container with the MS_PRIMARY identifier that contains a model with the M_VAR identifier. The container should include variables with identifiers:

Add links to the Dimensions, Cubes, Metabase, Ms, Stat system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    mb: IMetabase;
    pMsDescrKey: Integer;
    pModel: IMsModel;
    pTrans: IMsFormulaTransform;
    pInsStub, pPortStub, pVaRStub: IVariableStub;
    pOutVar, pPortVar, pInsVar: IMsFormulaTransformVariable;
    pOutSlice, pPortSlice, pInsSlice: IMsFormulaTransformSLice;
    pDimIns, pDimOrg: IDimensionModel;
    pInstIns, pInstOrg: IDimInstance;
    pSel: IDimSelection;
    pSelSet: IDimSelectionSet;
    pFactory: IDimSelectionSetFactory;
    pSelector: IMsFormulaTransformSelector;
    pFormula: IMsFOrmula;
    pVaR: IMsValueAtRiskTransform;
    pTerm: IMsFormulaTermInfo;
    pBT: IMsValueAtRiskBacktesting;
    coo: IMsFormulaTransformCoord;
    calc: IMsMethodCalculation;
    res: IMsValueAtRiskBacktestingResult;
    i: integer;
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    pMsDescrKey := mb.ItemById("MS_PRIMARY").Key;
    pModel := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("M_VAR", pMsDescrKey).Edit As IMsModel;
    pTrans := pModel.Transform;
// Delete all variables from model 
// Set sample and forecast periods
    pModel.Period.IdentificationStartDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(200011);
    pModel.Period.IdentificationEndDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2000110);
    pModel.Period.ForecastStartDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2000111);
    pModel.Period.ForecastEndDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2000120);
// Get variables for VaR model   
    pInsStub := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("V_STOCKPRICES", pMsDescrKey).Bind As IVariableStub;
    pPortStub := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("V_PORTFOLIO", pMsDescrKey).Bind As IVariableStub;
    pVaRStub := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("V_VALUEATRISK", pMsDescrKey).Bind As IVariableStub;
// Get dimension of financial tools
    pInstIns := mb.ItemById("DIM_INSTRUMENTS").Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
    pDimIns := pInstIns.Dimension;
// Get dimension of organizations
    pInstOrg := mb.ItemById("DIM_ORGANIZATIONS").Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
    pDimOrg := pInstOrg.Dimension;
// Add output variable
    pOutVar := pTrans.Outputs.Add(pVaRStub);
// Get input variable slice
    pFactory := New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create;
    pSelSet := pFactory.CreateDimSelectionSet;
    pSel := pSelSet.Add(pInstOrg);
    pOutSlice := pOutVar.Slices.Add(pSelSet);
// Add the variable of portfolio
    pPortVar := pTrans.Inputs.Add(pPortStub);
// Get the slice of portfolio
    pSel := pSelSet.Add(pInstIns);
    pSel := pSelSet.Add(pInstOrg);
    pPortSlice := pPortVar.Slices.Add(pSelSet);
//  Add variable of financial tools
    pInsVar := pTrans.Inputs.Add(pInsStub);
//  Get the slice of financial tools
    pSel := pSelSet.Add(pInstIns);
    pInsSlice := pInsVar.Slices.Add(pSelSet);
// Set model calculation method  
    pSelector := pTrans.CreateSelector;
    pSelector.Slice := pOutSlice;
    pSelector.Level := DimCalendarLevel.Day;
    pFormula := pTrans.Transform(pSelector);
    pFormula.Kind := MsFormulaKind.ValueAtRisk;
    pModel.Kind := MsModelKind.ValueAtRisk;
    pFormula.Level := DimCalendarLevel.Day;
    pVaR := pFormula.Method As IMsValueAtRiskTransform;
// Set dimensions of tools and organizations
    pVaR.InstrumentsDimension := pDimIns;
    pVaR.OrganizationsDimension := pDimOrg;
// Set "portfolio"
    pTerm := pTrans.CreateTermInfo;
    pTerm.Slice := pPortSlice;
    pVaR.Portfolio := pTerm;
// Set financial tools  
    pTerm := pTrans.CreateTermInfo;
    pTerm.Slice := pInsSlice;
    pVaR.StockPrices := pTerm;
// Set output variable   
    pTerm := pTrans.CreateTermInfo;
    pTerm.Slice := pOutSlice;
    pVaR.ValueAtRisk := pTerm;
// Specify VaR calculation method
    pVaR.MethodType := MsValueAtRiskMethodType.MonteCarlo;
// Specify confidence limit significance
    pVaR.ConfidenceLevel := 0.05;
// Set missing data treatment method
    pVaR.UseFillGaps := True;
    pVaR.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.SampleAverage;
// Use logarithmic yield and zero mean hypothesis
    pVaR.LogarithmicProfit := True;
    pVaR.ZeroMean := True;
// Set forecasting horizon  
    pVaR.ForecastingHorizon := 1;
// Set up Monte Carlo method parameters:
// Use the Cholesky factorization
    pVaR.UseCholeskyFactorization := True;
// Set distribution for financial tools
    For i := 0 To pInstIns.Elements.Count - 1 Do
        pVaR.InstrumentDistribution(i) := MsValueAtRiskDistributionType.Uniform;
    End For;
// Set backtesting VaR
    pBT := pVaR.Backtesting;
    pBT.Enabled := True;
    pBT.Observations := 10;
// Set calculation parameters 
    coo := ptrans.CreateCoord(pTrans.Outputs.Item(0));
    calc := pTrans.CreateCalculation;
    calc.Period.IdentificationStartDate := pModel.Period.IdentificationStartDate;
    calc.Period.ForecastStartDate := pModel.Period.ForecastStartDate;
    calc.Period.ForecastEndDate := pModel.Period.ForecastEndDate;
// Calculate model
    pVaR.Execute(calc, coo);
// display results
    For i := 0 To pInstOrg.Elements.Count - 1 Do
        res := pBT.Result(i);
        Debug.WriteLine("=====Organization: " + pInstOrg.Elements.Name(i) + "=======");
        If res <> Null Then
            Debug.WriteLine("Confidence level  = " + res.ActualConfidenceLevel.ToString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Average uncovered risk = " + res.AverageUncoveredRisk.ToString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Average unused risk = " + res.AverageUnusedRisk.ToString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Binary loss function = " + res.BinaryLossFunction.ToString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Multiple to obtain coverage = " + res.CoveringFactor.ToString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Quadratic loss function = " + res.QuadraticLossFunction.ToString);
            Select Case res.TrafficLight
                Case MsValueAtRiskTrafficLight.Green: Debug.WriteLine("Traffic light = is green");
                Case MsValueAtRiskTrafficLight.Yellow: Debug.WriteLine("Traffic light = is yellow");
                Case MsValueAtRiskTrafficLight.Red: Debug.WriteLine("Traffic light = is red");
            End Select;
            Debug.WriteLine("Correlation between VaR and actual losses = " + res.VaRLossCorrelation.ToString);
            Debug.WriteLine("Result for organization " + i.ToString + " is empty!");
        End If;
    End For;
    (pModel As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example the Value-At-Risk model is created. Parameters of its calculation are set by the Monte-Carlo method. Model calculation results are displayed in the console window.

See also:
