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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsTargetFormulaTerm


Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IMsTargetFormulaTerm interface is used to set up parameters of expression elements (terms) used in criterion problem.

Inheritance Hierarchy





To set up optimization problem, use the IMsTargetProblem interface. Cast one of the problem's controlling variables to the IMsTargetFormulaTerm interface.


  Property name Brief description
The LowerBoundFixed property determines lower constraint type.
UpperBoundFixed The UpperBoundFixed property determines upper constraint type.
The VarConstraints property returns term constraints.

Properties inherited from IMsOptimizationFormulaTerm

  Property name Brief description
The InitApproximation property determines initial term values.

Properties inherited from IMsFormulaTerm

  Method name Brief description
The TermToInnerText method returns the internal view of term.
The TermToText method returns the name of a term that appears in the list of terms.
Outdated. Use IMsFormulaTerm.TermInfo.

Methods inherited from IMsFormulaTerm

  Property name Brief description
Outdated. Use IMsFormulaTerm.TermInfo.
Outdated. Use IMsFormulaTerm.TermInfo.
The Key property returns term key.
The Lag property returns an object that determines the term lag value.
The Serie property returns an array of term, calculated with changes.
The Slice property determines variable slice corresponding to the given term.
The TermInfo property determines term parameters.
The UnitInfo property returns information about term measurement units.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces