Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsProblemDetails > IMsProblemDetails.Period
Period: IMsModelPeriod;
The Period property returns an object that determines parameters of sample and forecasting periods for modeling problem.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a modeling container with the CONT_MODEL identifier. The container should include a forecasting problem with the PROBLEM_1 identifier.
Sub Macro;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Problem: IMsProblem;
Period: IMsForecastingProblem;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("PROBLEM_1", MB.ItemById("CONT_MODEL").Key).Edit;
Problem := MObj As IMsProblem;
Period := New MsForecastingProblem.Create;
Period.Period.IdentificationStartDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2000, 1, 1);
Period.Period.IdentificationEndDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2005, 12, 31);
Period.Period.ForecastStartDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2006, 1, 1);
Period.Period.ForecastEndDate := DateTime.ComposeDay(2009, 12, 31);
Problem.Details := Period;
End Sub Macro;
After executing the example the sample and forecasting periods for the forecasting problem are set.
See also: