Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform > IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform.MaxIteration
MaxIteration: Integer;
The MaxIteration property determines the maximum number of iterations to solve the system.The minimum value of this property is equal to the value of the IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform.MinIteration property.
Executing the example requires a modeling container with the CONT_MODEL identifier and a model of the System of Non-linear Equations type with the NON_LINEAR identifier.
Sub main;
ActiveMetabase: IMetabase;
ModelCont: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
Descript: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
Obj: IMetabaseObject;
Model: IMsModel;
Eq: IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform;
Transform: IMsFormulaTransform;
ActiveMetabase := MetabaseClass.Active;
ModelCont := ActiveMetabase.ItemById("CONT_MODEL");
Descript := ActiveMetabase.ItemByIdNamespace("NON_LINEAR", ModelCont.Key);
Obj := Descript.Edit;
Model := Obj As IMsModel;
Model.TreatNullsAsZeros := True;
Transform := Model.Transform;
Eq := Transform.EquationsFormula.Method As IMsNonLinearEquationsTransform;
Eq.MethodType := NonLinearEquationsType.NewtonMethod;
Eq.DerivativeShift := 2.1;
Eq.InitApproximation := Null;
Eq.MinIteration := 1000;
Eq.MaxIteration := 1500;
End Sub main;
After executing the example the maximum of one thousand five hundred iterations are executed for system solution.
See also: