Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsDiagnosticTest > IMsDiagnosticTest.Settings
Settings: IMsDiagnosticTestSettings;
Settings: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.IMsDiagnosticTestSettings;
The Settings property returns test execution parameters.
The Settings property returns base parameters of all tests. To set up a special type of test, cast the returned object to one of the interfaces:
IMsChowTestSettings. Chow tests.
IMsOmittedVariablesTestSettings. Missing variables test (missing variables criterion).
IMsRamseyRessetTestSettings. Ramsey functional form test (functional form criterion).
IMsRedundantVariablesTestSettings. Redundant variables test (redundant variables criterion).
IMsSerialCorellationLMTestSettings. Godfrey Test (Godfrey criterion of residual autocorrelation).
IMsWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings. White heteroskedasticity test.
The property use is given in the example for IMsLinearRegressionTransform.DiagnosticTests.
See also: