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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsDetermAggregationTransform > IMsDetermAggregationTransform.AggregationGroupParamID



AggregationGroupParamID: String;


The AggregationGroupParamID property determines the identifier of the parameter, which is used for calculation aggregation.


If the value of this property is set, the IMsDetermAggregationTransform.AggregationGroup property is ignored.


In this example, aggregation settings are determined: aggregation group is determined through metamodel parameter that contains the model.

Executing the example requires a time series database with the FC identifier, in which aggregation groups are set. This database contains unique attributes that refer to the dictionaries DICT_CTR and DICT_IND. A modeling container of time series database must include a metamodel with the M_MODEL identifier. This metamodel must contain the PARAM_GROUP parameter that refers to the DICT_CTR dictionary. The calculation chain of metamodel must contain a model with the AGGR_MODEL identifier. Method of model calculation is aggregation (basic) that is calculated as a determinate equation.

Add links to the Metabase, Ms, Cubes, Dimensions system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    mb: IMetabase;
    Obj: IMetabaseObject;
    Ruby: IRubricator;
    cmKey: Integer;
    rStub: IVariableStub;
    RepoKey: Integer;
    DictInst: IDimInstance;
    ParamDim: IMsParametrizedDimension;
    Transform: IMsFormulaTransform;
    Model: IMsModel;
    MetaModel: IMsMetaModel;
    TransformVar: IMsFormulaTransformVariable;
    Coord: IMsFormulaTransformCoord;
    DetermAggregation: IMsDetermAggregationTransform;
    Slice: IMsFormulaTransformSlice;
    Selector: IMsFormulaTransformSelector;
    Formula: IMsFormula;
    Sel: IDimSelectionSet;
    Factory: IDimSelectionSetFactory;
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    Ruby := mb.ItemById("FC").Bind As IRubricator;
    cmKey := Ruby.ModelSpace.Key;
    Obj := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("AGGR_MODEL", cmKey).Edit;
    Model := Obj As IMsModel;
    Transform := Model.Transform;
    Transform.Rubricator := Null;
    rStub := mb.ItemById("FC").Bind As IVariableStub;
    TransformVar := Transform.Outputs.Add(rStub);
    Coord := Transform.CreateCoord(TransformVar);
    Factory := New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create As IDimSelectionSetFactory;
    Sel := Factory.CreateDimSelectionSet;
    RepoKey := (Ruby.Database As IMetabaseObject).Key;
    DictInst := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("DICT_CTR", RepoKey).Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
    DictInst := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("DICT_IND", RepoKey).Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
    Slice := TransformVar.Slices.Add(Sel);
    ParamDim := Slice.ParametrizedDimensions.Item(0);
    MetaModel := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("M_MODEL", cmKey).Bind As IMsMetaModel;
    ParamDim.Parameter := (MetaModel).Params.FindById("PARAM_GROUP");
    Selector := Transform.CreateSelector;
    Selector.Slice := Slice;
    Formula := Transform.Transform(Selector);
    Formula.Kind := MsFormulaKind.DetermAggregation;
    DetermAggregation := Formula.Method As IMsDetermAggregationTransform;
    Formula.Level := DimCalendarLevel.Year;
    DetermAggregation.AggregationExpression := "{PARAM_GROUP}|BCA";
    DetermAggregation.AgregationMethod := MsAgregationMethodType.Max;
    DetermAggregation.AggregationGroupParamID := "PARAM_GROUP";
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example the aggregation group is determined via the PARAM_GROUP parameter of the metamodel containing the AGGR_MODEL model.

See also:
