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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsCompositeFormulaTermSetList > IMsCompositeFormulaTermSetList.Count



Count: Integer;


The Count property returns the number of sets in the collection.


Executing the example requires that the modeling container (CONT_MODEL) contains a model (BinReg) that uses the binary regression method for calculation.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

SpaceDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;

MObj: IMetabaseObject;

Model: IMsModel;

Trans: IMsFormulaTransform;

VarTrans: IMsFormulaTransformVariable;

Tree: IMsFormulaTransformSlicesTree;

Slice: IMsFormulaTransformSlice;

Selector: IMsFormulaTransformSelector;

Formula: IMsFormula;

Binary: IMsBinaryRegressionTransform;

Explanatories: IMsCompositeFormulaTermSetList;

i, j: Integer;

TermSet: IMsCompositeFormulaTermSet;

CompTerm: IMsCompositeFormulaTerm;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

SpaceDescr := mb.ItemById("CONT_MODEL");

MObj := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("BinReg", SpaceDescr.Key).Bind;

Model := MObj As IMsModel;

Trans := Model.Transform;

VarTrans := Trans.Outputs.Item(0);

Tree := VarTrans.SlicesTree(VarTrans);

Slice := Tree.CreateSlice(1);

Selector := Model.Transform.CreateSelector;

Selector.Slice := Slice;

Formula := Model.Transform.Transform(Selector);

Binary := Formula.Method As IMsBinaryRegressionTransform;

Explanatories := Binary.Explanatories;

Debug.WriteLine(Terms of explaining numbers:);

For i := 0 To Explanatories.Count - 1 Do

TermSet := Explanatories.Item(i);

Debug.WriteLine(  Set + (i + 1).ToString + :);

For j := 0 To TermSet.Count - 1 Do

CompTerm := TermSet.Item(j);

Debug.WriteLine("    " + CompTerm.ExpressionText);

End For;

End For;

Debug.WriteLine("Number of sets used for model calculation: " + Explanatories.Count.ToString);

End Sub Main;

After executing the example sets of explained series terms are displayed in the console window. The number of sets used for model calculation is also displayed.

See also:
