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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsCollapseTransform > IMsCollapseTransform.Tolerance


Fore Syntax

Tolerance: Integer;

Fore.NET Syntax

Tolerance: integer;


The Tolerance property determines the number of skipped values in output series, which is regarded as acceptable when aggregating data.


The default value is 0.

Working features of this property depend on the aggregation method set in the IMsCollapseTransform.MethodType property:

Method Tolerance
First If the number of skipped values at the beginning of series is greater than Tolerance, the result is Nan. If the number of skipped values is less or equal to Tolerance, the data is aggregated by the First method.
Last If the number of skipped values at the end of series is greater than Tolerance, the result is Nan. If the number of skipped values is less or equal to Tolerance, the data is aggregated by the Last method.
These aggregation methods ignore the Tolerance value. If the output series has at least one value, aggregation is executed.
If the number of skipped values in the whole series is greater than Tolerance, the result is Nan. If the total number of skipped values is less or equal to Tolerance, the data is aggregated by the selected method.

For example, aggregation is calculated by the Average method, and the value of Tolerance is 2. Thus, if there is no data for three quarters of 2001, the output series at 2001 contains the Nan value. And if there is no data only for one quarter of 2001, the output series at 2001 contains the calculated value.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for IMsCollapseTransform.Input.

See also:
