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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsCalculationChainVariable


Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IMsCalculationChainVariable interface is used to work with the variable contained in calculation chain of metamodel.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To get the variable, cast the object of the IMsCalculationChainEntry interface to the IMsCalculationChainVariable interface. The operation is available if IMsCalculationChainEntry.Type = MsCalculationChainEntryType.Variable.


  Property name Brief description
The FullName property returns full name of the variable.
The IsInternal property determines whether a variable is internal for calculation chain.
The OriginalName property returns the source name of the variable.
The Slice property determines the variable slice.

Properties inherited from IMsCalculationChainEntry

  Property name Brief description
Description The Description property determines description of element of calculation chain.
Excluded The Excluded property determines whether element of chain is used in metamodel calculation.
InheritModelPeriod The InheritModelPeriod property determines whether element of chain inherits calculation period and frequency from parent element.
Key The Key property returns the key of element of calculation chain.
Name The Name property determines a name of element of calculation chain.
ParentEntries The ParentEntries property returns parent object.
Tag Compiler ignores the Tag property; thus, user can use this property for his own purposes.
Type The Type property returns the type of element of calculation chain of metamodel.

Methods inherited from IMsCalculationChainEntry

  Property name Brief description
MoveToParent The MoveToParent method moves element of calculation chain of metamodel.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces