Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsCalculationChainFilter > IMsCalculationChainFilter.Add
Add(Entry: IMsCalculationChainEntry);
Add(Entry: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.IMsCalculationChainEntry);
Entry. Added element.
The Add method adds a new element to the collection.
Use the IMsCalculationChainFilter.Item property to get the element from the collection.
If the following is added to the collection:
Parent Element. All its child elements are added to the collection.
Child Element. All its parent elements are added to the collection without additional child elements. For example, metamodel calculation chain contains the Cycles folder containing the Countries, Cities and Factors models. If the Factors model is added to the collection of calculated elements, the Cycles folder is also added to the collection. The Countries and Cities models are not calculated by the problem.
The method use is given in the example for IMsProblemCalculationSettings.EntriesFilter.
See also: