Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IMsBranchCondition > IMsBranchCondition.ConditionJoin
ConditionJoin: OrmLogicalOperator;
ConditionJoin: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Orm.OrmLogicalOperator;
The ConditionJoin property determines join operator for combining with the previous condition.
The default value. OrmLogicalOperator.And (logical AND).
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a modeling container with the MS identifier containing a metamodel with the METAMODEL_BRANCH_PARAM identifier and a model with the MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_SEL, MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_INT, MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_DEFAULT identifiers . A data source for the modeling container must be a time series database containing a time series attribute with the CITY identifier. This attribute must be a link to the dictionary.
Add links to the Cubes, Dal, Dimensions, Metabase, Ms, Orm, Rds, ForeSystem (for the Fore.NET example) system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
mb: IMetabase;
MsObj: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
pMetaModel: IMsMetaModel;
Chain, pDefaultContents: IMsCalculationChainEntries;
MetaParams: IMsModelParams;
param1, param2: IMsModelParam;
TSDB: IRubricator;
Atrs: IMetaAttributes;
pBranch: IMsCalculationChainBranch;
Case_1, Case_2, Case_default: IMsModel;
pCase: IMsBranchCase;
pCaseList: IMsBranchCaseList;
pBranchConditions: IMsBranchConditions;
pCondSel: IMsBranchConditionInSelection;
pDimInstance: IDimInstance;
pSelection: IDimSelection;
pCondExpr1, pCondExpr2: IMsBranchConditionExpression;
expr: IExpression;
// Get current repository
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get modeling container
MsObj := mb.ItemById("MS");
// Get metamodel
pMetaModel := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("METAMODEL_BRANCH_PARAM", MsObj.Key).Edit As IMsMetaModel;
// Get and clear metamodel calculation chain
Chain := pMetaModel.CalculationChain;
// Get and clear metamodel parameters
MetaParams := pMetaModel.Params;
// Add a parameter that is referred to dictionary
param1 := MetaParams.Add;
param1.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;
param1.Hidden := True;
param1.Id := "P_CITY";
param1.Name := "City";
// Get time series database that is used to store
// modeling container data
TSDB := (MsObj.Bind As IMsModelSpace).Rubricator As IRubricator;
// Get time series attributes
Atrs := TSDB.Facts.Attributes;
// Determine that dictionary, to which the CITY attribute is referred,
// will determine values of parameter
param1.LinkedObject := Atrs.FindById("CITY").ValuesObject;
// Add an integer parameter
param2 := MetaParams.Add;
param2.DefaultValue := 7;
param2.Id := "P_THRESHOLD";
param2.Name := "Threshold";
// Create a condition node
pBranch := Chain.AddBranch("");
// Specify that name is generated automatically
pBranch.AutoName := True;
// Create a branch, which is executed if none of other branches is executed
pDefaultContents := pBranch.DefaultContents;
// Determine the model that will be calculated in this branch
Case_default := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_DEFAULT", MsObj.Key).Bind As IMsModel;
// Create the first branch of condition
pCaseList := pBranch.CaseList;
pCase := pCaseList.Add;
// Determine the model that will be calculated in this branch
Case_1 := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_SEL", MsObj.Key).Bind As IMsModel;
// Create a condition of branch calculation
pBranchConditions := pCase.Conditions;
// Determine a type of condition for branch calculation: included into element selection
pCondSel := pBranchConditions.Add(MsBranchConditionType.InSelection) As IMsBranchConditionInSelection;
// Determine that condition is managed by parameter
pCondSel.Parameter := Param1;
// Determine elements selection
pDimInstance := param1.LinkedObject.Open(Null) As IDimInstance;
pSelection := pDimInstance.CreateSelection;
pSelection.SelectElement(1, False);
pCondSel.Selection := pSelection;
// Create the second branch of condition
pCase := pCaseList.Add;
// Determine that branch name is generated manually
pCase.AutoName := False;
pCase.Name := "It is calculated if parameter value is greater than ten or less than five";
// Determine the model that will be calculated in this branch
Case_2 := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_INT", MsObj.Key).Bind As IMsModel;
// Create a condition of branch calculation
pBranchConditions := pCase.Conditions;
// Determine a type of branch calculation condition: corresponding to the expression
pCondExpr1 := pBranchConditions.Add(MsBranchConditionType.Expression) As IMsBranchConditionExpression;
// Determine that condition is managed by parameter
pCondExpr1.Parameter := Param2;
// Determine an expression
expr := pCondExpr1.Expression;
expr.AsString := "{Threshold}>10";
// Add another branch calculation condition of the Corresponding to Expression type
pCondExpr2 := pBranchConditions.Add(MsBranchConditionType.Expression) As IMsBranchConditionExpression;
// Determine an expression
expr := pCondExpr2.Expression;
expr.AsString := "{Threshold}<5";
// Determine that both conditions are joined by logical AND
pCondExpr2.ConditionJoin := OrmLogicalOperator.Or_;
// Add condition of checking other branches and calculation execution
pBranch.RunAllCompatibleCases := True;
// Save metamodel
(pMetaModel As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Orm;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
mb: IMetabase;
MsObj: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
pMetaModel: IMsMetaModel;
Chain, pDefaultContents: IMsCalculationChainEntries;
MetaParams: IMsModelParams;
param1, param2: IMsModelParam;
TSDB: IRubricator;
Atrs: IMetaAttributes;
pBranch: IMsCalculationChainBranch;
Case_1, Case_2, Case_default: IMsModel;
pCase: IMsBranchCase;
pCaseList: IMsBranchCaseList;
pBranchConditions: IMsBranchConditions;
pCondSel: IMsBranchConditionInSelection;
pDimInstance: IDimInstance;
pSelection: IDimSelection;
pCondExpr1, pCondExpr2: IMsBranchConditionExpression;
expr: IExpression;
// Get current repository
mb := Params.Metabase;
// Get modeling container
MsObj := mb.ItemById["MS"];
// Get metamodel
pMetaModel := mb.ItemByIdNamespace["METAMODEL_BRANCH_PARAM", MsObj.Key].Edit() As IMsMetaModel;
// Get and clear metamodel calculation chain
Chain := pMetaModel.CalculationChain;
// Get and clear metamodel parameters
MetaParams := pMetaModel.Params;
// Add parameter that refers to dictionary
param1 := MetaParams.Add();
param1.DataType := DbDataType.ddtInteger;
param1.Hidden := True;
param1.Id := "P_CITY";
param1.Name := "City";
// Get time series database that is used for storing
// modeling container data
TSDB := (MsObj.Bind() As IMsModelSpace).Rubricator As IRubricator;
// Get time series attributes
Atrs := TSDB.Facts.Attributes;
// Specify that the dictionary, to which the CITY attribute refers,
// will determine parameter values
param1.LinkedObject := Atrs.FindById("CITY").ValuesObject;
// Add integer parameter
param2 := MetaParams.Add();
param2.DefaultValue := 7;
param2.Id := "P_THRESHOLD";
param2.Name := "Threshold";
// Create condition node
pBranch := Chain.AddBranch("");
// Specify that name is generated automatically
pBranch.AutoName := True;
// Create the branch that is executed if no other branch is executed
pDefaultContents := pBranch.DefaultContents;
// Specify the model that will be calculated in this branch
Case_default := mb.ItemByIdNamespace["MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_DEFAULT", MsObj.Key].Bind() As IMsModel;
// Create the first condition branch
pCaseList := pBranch.CaseList;
pCase := pCaseList.Add();
// Specify the model that will be calculated in this branch
Case_1 := mb.ItemByIdNamespace["MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_SEL", MsObj.Key].Bind() As IMsModel;
// Create branch calculation condition
pBranchConditions := pCase.Conditions;
// Set type of branch calculation condition: include in element selection
pCondSel := pBranchConditions.Add(MsBranchConditionType.mbctInSelection) As IMsBranchConditionInSelection;
// Specify that condition is controlled by parameter
pCondSel.Parameter := Param1;
// Specify element selection
pDimInstance := param1.LinkedObject.Open(Null) As IDimInstance;
pSelection := pDimInstance.CreateSelection();
pSelection.SelectElement(1, False);
pCondSel.Selection := pSelection;
// Create the second condition branch
pCase := pCaseList.Add();
// Specify that branch name is generated manually
pCase.AutoName := False;
pCase.Name := "It is calculated if parameter value is greater than ten or less than five";
// Specify the model that will be calculated in this branch
Case_2 := mb.ItemByIdNamespace["MODEL_BRANCH_PARAM_INT", MsObj.Key].Bind() As IMsModel;
// Create branch calculation condition
pBranchConditions := pCase.Conditions;
// Set type of branch calculation condition: correspond to expression
pCondExpr1 := pBranchConditions.Add(MsBranchConditionType.mbctExpression) As IMsBranchConditionExpression;
// Specify that condition is controlled by parameter
pCondExpr1.Parameter := Param2;
// Set expression
expr := pCondExpr1.Expression;
expr.AsString := "{Threshold}>10";
// Add another branch calculation condition of the "correspond to expression" type
pCondExpr2 := pBranchConditions.Add(MsBranchConditionType.mbctExpression) As IMsBranchConditionExpression;
// Set expression
expr := pCondExpr2.Expression;
expr.AsString := "{Threshold}<5";
// Specify that both conditions are united by logical AND
pCondExpr2.ConditionJoin := OrmLogicalOperator.oloOr;
// Add condition for checking of other branches and calculation execution
pBranch.RunAllCompatibleCases := True;
// Save metamodel
(pMetaModel As IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;
After executing the example the condition and two parameters will be added to the metamodel. One parameter is referred to the dictionary, another parameter is integer. The condition consists of three branches. The first branch is parametric and is calculated if parameter value is included into the specified selection. The second branch is parametric and is calculated if parameter value is less than five or greater than ten. The third branch is calculated if none of two previous branches were calculated.
See also: