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Ms > Ms Assembly Interfaces > IDmDiscriminantAnalysis


Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IDmDiscriminantAnalysis interface is used for missing data substitution using discriminatory analysis.

Inheritance Hierarchy







NOTE. Substitution missing data using discriminatory analysis is not implemented yet.

This method finds a linear combination of variables that best separates (discriminates) two or more classes.


  Property name Brief description


Outdated. The AnalysisReportDataSource property determines the data source, in which the discriminatory analysis results are loaded.

Properties inherited from IDmTargetDetails

  Property name Brief description
The Target property determines the field index of the data source, containing analyzed information.

Properties inherited from IDmAttributesDetails

  Property name Brief description
The Attributes property determines the field indexes of the data source, containing factors for the analysis.

Properties inherited from IDmMethodDetails

  Brief description
The CrossValidation property returns cross-validation settings
The DisplayName property returns the method name.
The StatMethod property returns statistical method parameters used in analysis.

Methods inherited from IDmTemplateFillDetails

  Method name Brief description
The FillTarget method unloads missing data treatment results into the data source

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces | Discriminatory Analysis