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Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > MsFormulaTermType



The MsFormulaTermType enumeration contains term types. According to the given type selected data is passed on during the model calculation.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Pointwise. Pointwise term.
1 Date. Term is a value on the specified date.
2 Serie. Term is a series.
3 ParamDate. Term is a calendar parameter.
4 SliceDate. Term is a data slice.


During the model calculation the Pointwise type term is passed on as the value that corresponds with the calculation point date.

During the model calculation the Date type term is passed on as the value that corresponds with the specified calculation point.

During the model calculation the Serie type term is passed on as the series that corresponds with the specified variable slice.

The ParamDate term is used to parameterize the expressions and represents the date.

A term of the SliceDate type is used to support the additional attributes of the time series database in the expression on work with the modeling container of the catalog.

See also:

Ms Assembly Enumerations