Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > MsFormulaKind
The MsFormulaKind enumeration is used to determine the method that is used to calculate a model.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
-1 | None. Method is not determined. |
0 | Deterministic. Determinate equation. |
1 | LinearRegression. Linear regression. |
2 | ExponentialSmoothing. Exponential smoothing. |
3 | Arima. ARIMA. |
4 | User. Custom method. |
5 | CurveEstimation. Universal trend. |
6 | SlideSmoothing. Moving average. |
7 | MedianSmoothing. Median smoothing. |
8 | HodrickPrescottFilter. Hodrick-Prescott filter. |
9 | NonLinearEquations. Equation system. |
10 | InterindustryBalance. Input-output balance. |
11 | ErrorCorrectionModel. Vector error correction model. |
12 | ECMEquation. Equation in the vector error correction model. |
13 | NonLinearOptimization. Non-linear optimization. |
14 | Aggregation. Aggregation. |
15 | NonLinearRegression. Non-linear regression. |
16 | GreyForecast. Grey forecast. |
17 | LRXFilter. LRX filter. |
18 | CointegrationEquation. Error correction model. |
19 | BandpassFilter. Baxter-King filter. |
20 | DetermAggregation. Aggregation that is calculated as a determinate equation. |
21 | SLS2. Linear regression (instrumental variables estimation). |
22 | FillGaps. Missing data treatment method. |
23 | Cumulative. Cumulative method. |
24 | Census2. X11 smoothing method (seasonal decomposition and adjustment method). |
25 | Collapse. The Collapse (series calculation) model (aggregates data from the lower level to the upper level by the calendar dimension). |
26 | Interpolate. The Interpolation model (disaggregates data from the upper level to the lower level by the calendar dimension). |
27 | Splice. Series splice. |
28 | LinearEquations. System of simultaneous equations. |
29 | BinaryRegression. Binary regression. |
30 | PointwiseCollapse. The Collapse (pointwise calculation) model (executes pointwise aggregation of the lower level data to the upper by the calendar dimension). |
31 | CrossDimensionAggregation. Aggregation by group, selection or parameter, that uses the missing data treatment method. |
32 | PooledModel. Panel data regression. |
33 | ValueAtRisk. The Value-At-Risk model. |
34 | Census1. The Census1 smoothing method. |
35 | TargetOptimization. Criterion function. |
36 | R. R model. |
37 | MatrixAggregation. Matrix aggregation. |
Mathematical description of methods is given in the Library of Methods and Models section.
See also: