Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > MsFillMethod
The MsFillMethod enumeration is used to determine a missing data substitution method.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Average. Average. |
1 | NPointAverage. N-point average. |
2 | PreviousValue. Previous value. |
3 | LinearInterpolation. Linear interpolation. |
4 | LinearTrend. Linear trend. |
5 | RandomValue. Random value. |
7 | GeometricInterpolation. Geometric interpolation. |
8 | Value. Value. |
9 | CubicSplineInterpolation. Cubic spline interpolation. |
10 | Pattern. Pattern. |
11 | Overlay. Overlay. |
13 | PreviousGrowthRate. Previous growth rate. |
14 | SucceedingValue. Succeeding value. |
15 | SucceedingGrowthRate. Succeeding growth rate. |
See also: