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Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > MsFillBoundType



The MsFillBoundType enumeration is used to determine the final date of data loading.

It is used by the following properties:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 EndIdentify. Sample end.
1 StartForecast. Forecast start.
2 EndForecast. Forecast end by the date of data storage.
3 EndForecastBelong. Forecast end by the period belonging.


The result of use of the EndForecast and EndForecastBelong elements depends on parameters of data storage. If the data is stored to the period end or to the start of period without offset, the elements work equally. If the data is stored to the end of the period with offset, the result of execution of elements differs.

For example, monthly frequency is used, data is stored to the end of the period with offset and the forecast end date is January 15, 2013. If the EndForecast element is used, the end of the forecast is December 2012; if EndForecastBelong is used, it is January 2013.

See also:

Ms Assembly Enumerations