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Modeller > Modeller Assembly Classes > ExpressModeller


Assembly: Modeller;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Modeller;


The ExpressModeller class is used to create an object that determines express modeling parameters.


This is the main class in the Modeller assembly, use it to create objects with various express modeling methods calculation parameters.

Fore.NET syntax

Class used to get an analog of the ExpressModeller class:


Class used to get an analog of the ExpressModeller class object:


Class object properties inherited from IExpressModeller

  Property name Brief description
Header The Header property returns header parameters
History The History property returns express modeling methods calculations history.
Series The Series property returns set of source series used in express modeling.

Class object methods inherited from IExpressModeller

  Method name Brief description
CreateARIMASettings The CreateARIMASettings method creates an object that determines ARIMA method calculation parameters.
CreateAutoCorrelationSettings The CreateAutoCorrelationSettings method creates an object that determines Autocorrelation Analysis method calculation parameters.
CreateAutoRegressionSettings The CreateAutoRegressionSettings method creates an object that determines Autoregression method calculation parameters.
CreateCensus1Settings The CreateCensus1Settings method creates an object that determines Census 1 method calculation parameters.
CreateCensus2Settings The CreateCensus2Settings method creates an object that determines Census 2 method calculation parameters.
CreateChowTestSettings The CreateChowTestSettings method creates an object that determines Chow Stability Test method calculation parameters.
CreateClusterAnalysisSettings The CreateClusterAnalysisSettings method creates an object that determines Hierarchical Cluster Analysis method calculation parameters.
CreateCurveEstimationSettings The CreateCurveEstimationSettings method creates an object that determines Curve Estimation method calculation parameters.
CreateExponentialSmoothingSettings The CreateExponentialSmoothingSettings method creates an object that determines Exponential Smoothing method calculation parameters.
CreateFisherTestSettings The CreateFisherTestSettings method creates an object that determines Fisher Test method calculation parameters.
CreateHodrickPrescottFilterSettings The CreateHodrickPrescottFilterSettings method creates an object that determines Hodrick-Prescott Filter method calculation parameters.
CreateLinearRegressionSettings The CreateLinearRegressionSettings method creates an object that determines Linear Regression method calculation parameters.
CreateMedianSmoothingSettings The CreateMedianSmoothingSettings method creates an object that determines Median Smoothing method calculation parameters.
CreateOmittedVariablesTestSettings The CreateOmittedVariablesTestSettings method creates an object that determines Omitted Variables Criterion method calculation parameters.
CreatePairCorrelationSettings The CreatePairCorrelationSettings method creates an object that determines Paired Correlation Coefficients Calculation method calculation parameters.
CreatePartialCorrelationSettings The CreatePartialCorrelationSettings method creates an object that determines Partial Correlation Coefficients Calculation method calculation parameters.
CreateRamseyRessetTestSettings The CreateRamseyRessetTestSettings method creates an object that determines Functional Form Criterion method calculation parameters.
CreateRedundantVariablesTestSettings The CreateRedundantVariablesTestSettings method creates an object that determines Redundant Variables Criterion method calculation parameters.
CreateSerialCorellationLMTestSettings The CreateSerialCorellationLMTestSettings method creates an object that determines Godfrey Criterion of Residual Autocorrelation method calculation parameters.
CreateSlideSmoothingSettings The CreateSlideSmoothingSettings method creates an object that determines Moving Average method calculation parameters.
CreateStatisticsSettings The CreateStatisticsSettings method creates an object that determines Summary Statistics Calculation method parameters.
CreateUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings The CreateUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings method creates an object that determines Spectrum Analysis method calculation parameters.
CreateVarianceAnalysisSettings The CreateVarianceAnalysisSettings method creates an object that determines Variance Analysis method calculation parameters.
CreateWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings The CreateWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings method creates an object that determines White Test for Heteroscedasticity method calculation parameters.
EvaluateMethod The EvaluateMethod method saves calculation data to a file.

See also:

Modeller Assembly Classes