
Assembly: Mobile

Workspace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Mobile


The IMobileApplicationPublicator interface is used to work with the object that publishes a mobile application.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To create an object that publishes a mobile application, use the IMobileApplication.CreatePublicator method.


  Property name Brief description
The BreakOnError property determines whether publication of mobile application stops if error occurs.
Outdated. Use IMobileApplicationPublicator.IsPublished.
Outdated. Use IMobileApplicationPublicatorWebHandlerTarget.IsPublished.
The Items property returns the collection of objects in the published mobile application.
The MobileApplication property returns the published mobile application.
The Version property returns version of publication format.
The WebApplication property determines a path for publishing a mobile application.


  Method name Brief description
The AbortPublish method interrupts mobile application publishing.
The Execute method publishes a mobile application.
The GetLastPublishResult method returns the object containing information about result of mobile application publication.
The GetPublishResultText method returns the error text by code.
The LoadFromXml method loads parameters of mobile application publisher from XML file.
Outdated. Use IMobileApplicationPublicator.Execute.
The SaveToXml method loads parameters of mobile application publisher to XML file.

See also:

Mobile Assembly Interfaces