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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > ILanerBox



The ILanerBox interface contains properties and methods of the LanerBox component of the development environment.


  Property name Brief description
The BorderStyle property determines the style of the component border.
The DisabledManagedOptions property determines whether the settings defined for the LanerBox component should be used.
The Object property determines the object used as the component data source.
The SelectedSeries property returns series selected in the component.
The SelectedSeriesCount property returns number of the series selected in the component.
The ShowDimPanel property determines whether the dimensions panel is to be shown in the component.
The ShowMethodsBar property determines whether the modeling panel is to be shown in the component.
The ShowToolbar property determines whether the toolbar is to be shown in the component.


  Method name Brief description
The ApplyInversion method applies a specified transformation to the selected calculated series.
The CanApplyInversion method returns whether the specified transformation can be applied to the selected series.
The CanDecreaseLag method returns whether lag of the selected series can be decreased.
The CanExecuteMethod method returns whether a specified transformation series can be applied to selected workbook series.
The CanExecuteOperation method returns whether the specified operation can be applied to the workbook displayed in LanerBox.
The CanIncreaseLag method returns whether lag of the selected series can be increased.
The Copy method copies workbook series to the clipboard.
The Cut method cuts workbook series to the clipboard.
The DecreaseLag method decreases lag of a selected series.
Outdated. The ExecuteMethod method transforms a selected data series using a specified method. This method is outdated, it is recommended to use ExecuteMethodEx instead.
The ExecuteMethodEx method transforms a selected data series using a specified method and selected parameters.
The ExecuteOperation method performs a selected operation on the workbook.
The GroupSeries method groups a set of workbook series.
The HitTest method returns component area based on the specified coordinates.
The IncreaseLag method increases lag of a selected series.
The IsInversionTurnedOn method returns whether the specified transformation is already applied to the series.
The IsOptionSwitchedOn method returns whether the specified operation is applied in the workbook.
The Paste method pastes a group of series from the clipboard to the workbook.
The UngroupSeries method ungroups a group of series in the workbook.

Properties inherited from IControl

  Property name Brief description
The Align property determines component alignment within its parent component.
The AllowDrag property determines whether an object can be dragged from the component.
The AllowDrop property defines whether the component can receive the moved object.
The Anchors property returns settings determining % of the size change for the current component when the parent component is resized.
The Brush property specifies the brush used to fill the component area.
The ClientHeight property determines the height of the client component area.
The ClientWidth property determines the width of the client component area.
The Color property determines the background color of a component.
The Cursor property determines how the cursor looks like when you hover over a component during form execution.
The Enabled property determines whether the component is available for the user.
The Focused property returns True if this component is focused.
The Font property defines parameters of the font used to display text in a component.
The Height property determines the component height (pixels).
The HelpContext property defines a unique index of the context help section for the given component.
The Hint property determines the tip text displayed if you hover over a component.
The HintTimeout property determines for how long the tooltip is shown.
The Left property determines the coordinate of the component left edge (pixels).
The Parent property determines the parent component.
The ParentColor property determines whether the component inherits the color of the parent component.
The ParentFont property determines whether the component should use the font of the parent component.
The ParentShowHint property determines when a tooltip is displayed.
The PopupMenu property determines the context menu displayed when a component is clicked using the right mouse button.
The Scrolls property returns parameters of component's scroll bars.
The ShowHint property determines whether a tool tip should be displayed when you hover over a component.
The TabOrder property determines the position of a component in a tab order.
The TabStop property defines the attribute of the necessity for the component to receive focus on pressing the TAB key.
The Text property determines the row identifying the component for the user.
The Top property determines the coordinate of the component upper edge (pixels).
The Visible property determines whether a component is displayed when a form is executed.
The Width property determines the horizontal size of a component (pixels).

Properties are inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
The ComponentCount property returns number of child components.
The Components property returns a child component.
The Data property is used to store any custom data.
The Name property determines component name.
The Tag property is not used by the compiler. User can change the value of the property and use it at his own discretion.

Methods inherited from IControl

  Method name Brief description
Outdated. The BringToFront method brings a component to front.
The ClientToScreen method converts the point coordinates specified with respect to the component coordinate system to screen coordinates.
The DoDragDrop method enables the user to start dragging.
The GetImage method returns a graphic presentation of a component together with all its children.
The ScreenToClient method converts the screen point coordinates to coordinates specified with respect to the component coordinate system.
Outdated. The SendToBack method is used to send a component to the background.
The SetFocus method sets focus on the current component.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces