Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxRangeCellStyles > IEaxRangeCellStyles.GetByRange
GetByRange(Range: ITabRange): ITabCellStyle;
Range. Cell range.
The GetByRange method returns style of a selected cell range.
If the Range parameter is set to Null, the GetByRange property returns an empty style.
Executing the example requires a form, a button named Button1 on it, the LanerBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component with the UiErAnalyzer1 identifier, that is a data source for LanerBox. The workbook of time series database is to be loaded to the UiErAnalyzer1.Add a link to the Drawings system assembly.
The example is executed on clicking the button.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Grid: IEaxGrid;
View: ITabView;
Range: ITabRange;
Style: IEaxTableStyle;
CStyles: IEaxRangeCellStyles;
CellStyle: ITabCellStyle;
Grid := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer.Grid;
View := Grid.TabSheet.View;
Range := View.Selection.Range;
Style := Grid.Style;
CStyles := Style.RangeCellStyles;
CellStyle := CStyles.GetByRange(Range);
If CellStyle.Font <> Null Then
Debug.WriteLine(" font - " + CellStyle.Font.Name);
If CellStyle.Font.Color <> Null Then
Debug.WriteLine(" font color - " + CellStyle.Font.Color.Name);
End If;
End If;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the console window shows description of the style applied to the selected range of workbook cells. Then the style is deleted.
See also: