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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxDataAreaValidationChain > IEaxDataAreaValidationChain.Move


Fore Syntax

Move(FromIndex: Integer; ToIndex: Integer);

Fore.NET Syntax

Move(FromIndex: integer; ToIndex: integer);


FromIndex. Index of validation rule position from which validation rule must be moved.

ToIndex. Index of the position, to which validation rule must be moved.


The Move method moves validation chain elements.


The method is executed only if the collection contains more than one validation rule.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a regular report with the REG_REPORT_VALIDATIONS identifier, for which time series database is a data source. The report contains two validation rules.

Add links to the Drawing, Express, Laner, Metabase, Ms, Pivot, Report, Tab system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    Validation: IValidationFilter;
    Report: IPrxReport;
    DataArea: IEaxDataArea;
    AreaSlice: IEaxDataAreaSlice;
    EaxValidations: IEaxDataAreaValidations;
    EaxValidation, EaxValidation1: IEaxDataAreaValidation;
    i, k, m, index: integer;
    Grid: IEaxGrid;
    DiagReport: IDiagnosticReport;
    Chain: IEaxDataAreaValidationChain;
    ValidationLink: IEaxDataAreaValidationLink;
    Validations: IEaxDataAreaValidations;
    ValidationsCount: Integer;
    LinkSource: IEaxDataAreaValidation;
    Id: String;
    ValidFilterSetting: IValidationFilterSettings;
    TabCellStyle: ITabCellStyle;
    Color: IGxColor;
    Brush: IGxSolidBrush;
    DataAreaValidation: IEaxDataAreaValidation;
    Level: IValidationLevel;
    // Get repository
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get regular report
    Report := MB.ItemById("REG_REPORT_VALIDATIONS").Edit As IPrxReport;
    // Get analytical data area
    DataArea := Report.DataArea;
    // Get data slice
    AreaSlice := DataArea.Slices.Item(0);
        For i := 0 To AreaSlice.Views.Count - 1 Do
            If Areaslice.Views.Item(i) Is IEaxGrid Then
                // Get data table
                Grid := AreaSlice.Views.Item(i) As IEaxGrid;
                // Create diagnostic report
                DiagReport := New DiagnosticReport.Create;
                {Link validation chain of diagnostic report with collection
                 regular report validation rules}

                DiagReport.Grid := Grid;
            End If;
        End For;
    // Get validation chain
    Chain := DiagReport.Chain;
    // Get validation collection in chain
    Validations := Chain.Validations;
    // Get and display to the console number of validations in chain
    ValidationsCount := Validations.Count;
    Debug.WriteLine("Number of validations in chain = " + ValidationsCount.ToString);
        // Display to the console alice parent object identifier
        For k := 0 To Chain.Count - 1 Do
            ValidationLink := Chain.Item(k);
                If ValidationLink.Enabled = False Then
                    ValidationLink.Enabled := True;
                End If;
            LinkSource := ValidationLink.Source;
            Id := LinkSource.Id;
            Debug.WriteLine("Slice parent object identifier - " + Id);
        End For;
    // Move elements of validation chain
    // Get collection of validation rules
    EaxValidations := AreaSlice.Validations;
    // Clear collection of validation rules
    // Create validation rules
    EaxValidation := EaxValidations.Create;
    // Add new validation rule
    EaxValidation1 := EaxValidations.Add(EaxValidation);
        // Display to the console index of validation rule
        For m := 0 To EaxValidations.Count - 1 Do
            DataAreaValidation := EaxValidations.Item(m);
            Index := EaxValidations.IndexOf(DataAreaValidation);
            Debug.WriteLine("Index of validation rule = " + Index.ToString);
        End For;
            // If rule is found by the 1  key, it will be deleted
            If EaxValidations.FindByKey(1) <> Null Then
            End If;
    // Get filter
    Validation := EaxValidation.Filter As IValidationFilter;
        If Validation <> Null Then
            // To calculate validation, use date of data start/end
            Validation.StartDateSettings.DateOptions := ValidationDateOptions.DependsFromData;
            Validation.EndDateSettings.DateOptions := ValidationDateOptions.DependsFromData;
            // Get filter settings
            ValidFilterSetting := Validation.Settings;
            // Validation type - comparison with number
            Validation.Kind := ValidationDetailsKind.Level;
            // Get settings of validation type
            Level := Validation.Details As IValidationLevel;
            // Comparison operator - bigger than the specified number
            Level.ComparisonValue.ComparisonOperator := ValidationComparisonOperator.More;
            // Set number for comparison
            Level.ComparisonValue.Value1 := 0;
            // Get cell style
            TabCellStyle := ValidFilterSetting.CellStyle.TabStyle;
            // Change background color of cells that satisfy validation rule
            Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(1200120);
            Brush := New GxSolidBrush.Create(Color);
            TabCellStyle.BackgroundBrush := Brush;
            // Change text of cells that satisfy validation rule
            TabCellStyle.Text := "Text";
        End If;
    // Update report and save changes
    (Report As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example:

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Laner;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Pivot;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    MB: IMetabase;
    Validation: IValidationFilter;
    Report: IPrxReport;
    DataArea: IEaxDataArea;
    AreaSlice: IEaxDataAreaSlice;
    EaxValidations: IEaxDataAreaValidations;
    EaxValidation, EaxValidation1: IEaxDataAreaValidation;
    i, k, m, index: integer;
    Grid: EaxGrid;
    DiagReport: IDiagnosticReport = New DiagnosticReportClass();
    Chain: IEaxDataAreaValidationChain;
    ValidationLink: IEaxDataAreaValidationLink;
    Validations: IEaxDataAreaValidations;
    ValidationsCount: Integer;
    LinkSource: IEaxDataAreaValidation;
    Id: String;
    ValidFilterSetting: IValidationFilterSettings;
    TabCellStyle: ITabCellStyle;
    Color: GxColor = New GxColorClass_2();
    Brush: GxSolidBrush = New GxSolidBrushClass();
    DataAreaValidation: IEaxDataAreaValidation;
    level: IValidationLevel;
    // Get repository
    MB := Params.Metabase;
    // Get regular report
    Report := MB.ItemById["REG_REPORT_VALIDATIONS"].Edit() As IPrxReport;
    // Get analytical data area
    DataArea := Report.DataArea;
    // Get data slice
    AreaSlice := DataArea.Slices.Item[0];
        For i := 0 To AreaSlice.Views.Count - 1 Do
            If Areaslice.Views.Item[i] Is IEaxGrid Then
                // Get data table
                Grid := AreaSlice.Views.Item[i] As EaxGrid;
                {Link validation chain of diagnostic report with collection
                 regular report validation rules}

                DiagReport.Grid := Grid;
            End If;
        End For;
    // Get validation chain
    Chain := DiagReport.Chain;
    // Get validation collection in chain
    Validations := Chain.Validations;
    // Get and display to the console number of validations in chain
    ValidationsCount := Validations.Count;
        ("Number of validations in chain = " + ValidationsCount.ToString());
        // Display to the console alice parent object identifier
        For k := 0 To Chain.Count - 1 Do
            ValidationLink := Chain.Item[k];
                If ValidationLink.Enabled = False Then
                    ValidationLink.Enabled := True;
                End If;
            LinkSource := ValidationLink.Source;
            Id := LinkSource.Id;
                ("Slice parent object identifier - " + Id);
        End For;
    // Move elements of validation chain
    // Get collection of validation rules
    EaxValidations := AreaSlice.Validations;
    // Clear collection of validation rules
    // Create validation rules
    EaxValidation := EaxValidations.Create();
    // Add new validation rule
    EaxValidation1 := EaxValidations.Add(EaxValidation);
        // Display to the console index of validation rule
        For m := 0 To EaxValidations.Count - 1 Do
            DataAreaValidation := EaxValidations.Item[m];
            Index := EaxValidations.IndexOf(DataAreaValidation);
                ("Validation rule index = " + Index.ToString());
        End For;
            // If rule is found by the 1  key, it will be deleted
            If EaxValidations.FindByKey(1) <> Null Then
            End If;
    // Get filter
    Validation := EaxValidation.Filter As IValidationFilter;
        If Validation <> Null Then
            // To calculate validation, use date of data start/end
            Validation.StartDateSettings.DateOptions := ValidationDateOptions.vdoDependsFromData;
            Validation.EndDateSettings.DateOptions := ValidationDateOptions.vdoDependsFromData;
            // Get filter settings
            ValidFilterSetting := Validation.Settings;
            // Validation type - comparison with number
            Validation.Kind := ValidationDetailsKind.vdkLevel;
            // Get settings of validation type
            Level := Validation.Details As IValidationLevel;
            // Comparison operator - bigger than the specified number
            Level.ComparisonValue.ComparisonOperator := ValidationComparisonOperator.vcoMore;
            // Set number for comparison
            Level.ComparisonValue.Value1 := 0;
            // Get cell style
            TabCellStyle := ValidFilterSetting.CellStyle.TabStyle;
            // Change background color of cells that satisfy validation rule
            TabCellStyle.BackgroundBrush := Brush;
            // Change text of cells that satisfy validation rule
            TabCellStyle.Text := "Text";
        End If;
    // Update report and save changes
    (Report As IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;

See also:
