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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxDataAreaSlice


Assembly: Express;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;


The IEaxDataAreaSlice interface is used to work with analytical data area slice.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To get analytical data area slice by its index, use the IEaxDataAreaSlices.Item property.


  Property name Brief description
AdditionalFilterTransformations The AdditionalFilterTransformations property returns object to work with collection of columns transformation in case of separate filtering of table rows and columns is enabled.
CalcTransformations The CalcTransformations property returns collection of data transformation formulas set for calculated elements.
CalculationOptions The CalculationOptions property determines parameters of calculation of analytical data area slice elements.
DataSource The DataSource property returns the description of the slice data source in the express report.
DataSourceKey The DataSourceKey property returns key of data source of analytical data area.
ExtendedPeriodEnd The ExtendedPeriodEnd property determines end date of data loading period.
ExtendedPeriodStart The ExtendedPeriodStart property determines start data of data loading period.
FilterTransformations The FilterTransformations property returns collection of data transformation formulas set on filtering.
GenerateDimensionParams The GenerateDimensionParams property determines whether automatic generation of dimension parameters for data slice will be used.
GenerateSourceParams The GenerateSourceParams property determines whether automatic generation of slice parameters with identifiers corresponding to source parameters for data analytical area slice will be used.
IndicatorAggregation The IndicatorAggregation property determines aggregation method for specified metric type of analytical data area slice.
IndicatorElement Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSlice.IndicatorSelection.
IndicatorsDimension The IndicatorsDimension property determines metrics dimension  for a map.
IndicatorSelection The IndicatorSelection property returns metrics dimension selection.
IsLoaded The IsLoaded property determines whether analytical area slice will be loaded.
MarkerDimension The MarkerDimension property determines geolocation objects dimension.
ObjectivesDimension The ObjectivesDimension property determines observed objects dimension  for a map.


The Params property returns analytical data area slice parameters.

Properties The Properties property returns data source slice properties.
SecondaryObjectivesDimension The SecondaryObjectivesDimension property determines the arrows direction   dimension for a map.
Selection The Selection property returns selection of analytical data area slice.
SkipEmptyValues The SkipEmptyValues property determines whether empty values will be skipped on calculation of analytical data area elements calculation.
Slices The Slices property returns parent object of analytical data area slice.
SortTransformations The SortTransformations property returns collection of data transformation formulas set on sorting.
Stub The Stub property returns slice data source as an abstract source.
TimeLineDimension The TimeLineDimension property determines time scale dimension  for a map.
Topobase The Topobase property selects the topobase based on which the express report map is created.
TopobaseByTimePoint The TopobaseKeyByTimePoint property returns key of the topobase, which is displayed in the specified time line point.
TopobaseKeyByTimePoint The TopobaseKeyByTimePoint property returns key of the topobase, which is displayed in the specified time line point.
Type The Type property returns type of analytical data area slice.
UseExtendedPeriod The UseExtendedPeriod property determines whether data loading period is used.
Validations The Validations property returns collection of validation rules without data source slice.
Views The Views property returns collection of analytical data area slice views.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines object identifier.
Key The Key property returns object key.
Name The Name property determines object name.


  Method name Brief description
Copy The Copy method creates copy of analytical data area slice.
CreateSource The CreateSource method creates data source of the analytical area slice depending on its type.
Execute The Execute method builds analytical data area slice.
GetDimension The GetDimension method returns dimension of analytical data area slice by its key.
GetFootnotesTransformations The GetFootnotesTransformations method returns collection of data transformation formulas that will be used to generate footnotes for dimension elements.
GetTransformations The GetTransformations method returns collection of transformed data formulas.
Load The Load method loads analytical area slice.
ResetTopobase The ResetTopobase method replaces the current map with the map  set in the repository by default.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces