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Express > Express Assembly Interfaces > IEaxAnalyzer


Assembly: Express;

Name space: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;


The IEaxAnalyzer interface contains properties and methods of the Express Report repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with collection of express report sheets, use properties and methods of the IEaxSheets interface.


  Brief description
The ActiveSheet property determines active sheet of the express report.
Outdated. Use IEaxAnalyzer.InteractiveMode.
The BubbleChart property returns bubble chart parameters.
The BubbleTree property returns an object that contains express report bubble tree.
The BulkSelectionSet property returns fixed dimensions selection, used for batch operations.
Outdated. Use IEaxAnalyzer.IsInteractiveModeAvailable.
The CanSwitchToMode property returns the criterion, that the view change mode of the workbook is available.
The Chart property returns object that contains express report chart.
The DataArea property returns analytical data area parameters.
The DataSourceCache property returns the database which stores cached data.
The DataSources property returns collection of express report data sources.
The DiagnosticReport property determines the diagnostic report that contains results of validation rule execution.
The EnableEdit property determines whether data editing is enabled in express report.
Outdated. Use IEaxHeaders.Footer.
The Grid property returns an object that contains the express report table.
Outdated. Use IEaxHeaders.Header.
The HeadersFooters property returns collection of express report headers and footers.
The InnerStyleSheet property determines internal styles table of the express report.
The InteractiveMode property sets interactive mode for express report.
The InvisibleDimensions property returns collection of invisible dimensions.
The InvisibleParam property determines, which cube parameters can be edited in express report.
The IsDataSourceCacheExist property returns result of checking whether express report contains a cache object.
The IsDimFixed property divides shared dimensions of the express report into private.
The IsDimPinned property indicates, whether the dimension is moved between private and fixed private dimensions.
The IsDirty property returns True, if the express report has been changed.
The IsInteractiveModeAvailable property determines, whether it is possible to switch to a selected interactive mode.
The IsParameterized property returns True, if the cube used as the express report data source is a parameterized cube.
The Laner property returns the workbook of the time series database.
The LanerTable property returns the data table from the time series database workbook.
Outdated. Use IEaxAnalyzer.MapChart.
The MapChart property returns object containing express report map (version supporting OpenGL).
Outdated. Use the WindowsPosition property.
The Mode property determines the view mode of the workspace of time series database in express report.
The Name property returns express report name.
The Options property returns express report parameters.
The OwnParamValues property determines collection of express report parameters values.
The PageInnerRect property returns an object containing inner page area together with page margins.
The PagesCount property returns the number of report pages that will be printed using the current page parameters.
The PageSettings property returns settings of express report pages.
The ParamProvider property returns object to work with parameters of express report.
The ParamValues property is used to work with collection of parameters of the cube used as the express report data source.
The PinDimension property determines key of a fixed private dimension.
The Pivot property returns display settings of the table containing express report data.
The Printable property determines, whether to print report on a printer.
Outdated. The PrintOrder property determines the order in which objects are displayed in express report window and on printed sheets.
The Resources property determines the Resource object used to store translations of the express report title.
The Sheets property returns the collection of express report child sheets.
The Speedometer property returns parameters of express report speedometer.
The Statistics property returns calculated summary characteristics.
The StyleSheet property determines external styles table used by express report.
The SupportMultiLanguage property determines whether the express report title is multilingual.
The ThisSheetPagesCount property returns the number of pages in the specified express report sheet.
The TitleBar property returns parameters of the express report title.
Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSlice.Topobase.
Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSlice.TopobaseByTimePoint.
Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSlice.TopobaseKeyByTimePoint.
The Treemap property returns an object that contains express report tree map.
The UndoRedo property returns parameters of express report undo or redo stack.
Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSliceProperties.UseGridSelection.
The ViewOrder property determines the order in which objects are displayed in express report window and on printed sheets.
The WindowsPosition property determines the order of object windows of express report in the report field.


  Brief description
The BeginUpdate method disables refreshing of express report objects.
The CanDimBeTimeLine property returns whether the dimension can be used as a calendar dimension in the report and as a time line of a map or a matrix.
The CanFixDim method returns whether the dimension can be fixed (divided into private ones) or exported to shared ones.
TheCanPinDim method returns whether the dimension can be moved to the list of fixed private dimensions from the list of private dimensions and vice versa.
The ClearDataSourceCache method clears cache object of the data source of express report.
The CopyFrom method copies parameters of a specified report to the current express report.
The CorrectScale method adjusts the scale relative to the size of express report displayed area.
The CreateDataSourceCache method creates a cache object of the data source of express report and returns result of its creation.
The CreateModeller method creates an object of express modeling and passes data to this object.
The CreateMultiOlap method creates an express report that contains several data sources.
Outdated. Use IEaxGrid.DrillCellResult.
The DrillPoint method returns information on binding of a data series point to data.
Outdated. Use IEaxGrid.DrillRangeResult.
The DrillSerie method returns information on binding of a data series to data.
The EndUpdate method resumes refreshing express report objects.
The ExcludeChartElements method excludes from selection specified dimensions elements.
The KeepOnlyChartElements method changes selection in such a way that only the specified chart elements are available.
The LoadCubeFromStream property loads cube data to the express report from the stream.
The LoadFromStream property loads data to the express report from the stream.
The LoadSettingsFromXml method loads express report parameters from the XML document.
The OpenCube method opens cube used to create an express report.
The OpenCubeEx method opens a cube (with advanced parameters) used to create the express report.
The OpenMatrixDataSource property loads data to the express report from a non-cube source.
The RefreshAll method refreshes all express report objects.
The RefreshDataSourceCache method refreshes cache object of the express report data source.
Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSlice.ResetTopobase.
The SaveCubeToStream method saves data of selected express report dimensions to a stream as a cube.
The SaveSettingsToXml method loads express report parameters in the XML format.
The SaveToStream method saves express report to a stream.
Outdated. The SynchronizeViews method synchronizes the chart with the data table.
The UpdateParamProvider method updates data source for express report parameters.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces