Express > Express Assembly Enumerations > LanerBoxOperation
The LanerBoxOperation enumeration contains operations over the workbook.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Save. Save as a report. |
1 | Print. Print. |
2 | PrintPreview. Print preview. |
3 | Refresh. Refresh. |
4 | SaveData. Save to database. |
5 | SaveAsProblem. Save as a modeling problem. |
6 | Pareto. The Pareto analysis. |
7 | ParetoOptions. Configure Pareto analysis parameters. |
8 | Colorer. Highlight cells. |
9 | ColorerOptions. Configure cell highlighting parameters. |
10 | Filter. Filter empty cells. |
11 | FormatConditionGradient. Conditional formatting using gradient. |
12 | FormatConditionDataBar. Conditional formatting using histograms. |
13 | FormatConditionIcon. Conditional formatting using icons. |
14 | FormatConditionCustom. Configurable conditional formatting. |
15 | NewFormatCondition. Add a new formatting condition. |
16 | EditFormatConditions. Edit a formatting condition. |
17 | DeleteSelectedFormatCondition. Delete a formatting condition. |
18 | DeleteAllFormatConditions. Delete all formatting conditions. |
19 | TabStylePredefined. Select a standard predefined table style. |
20 | EditTabStyle. Edit a table style. |
21 | ClearTabStyle. Reset table style parameters. |
22 | ChangeMode. Change mode. |
23 | Attributes. Select displayed attributes. |
24 | PinSelectedCalcSerie. Fix selected calculated series. |
25 | Precision. Set precision for numbers. |
26 | Calendar. Configure calendar parameters. |
27 | FactAttributes. Work with series attributes. |
28 | ObservationAttributes. Work with observation attributes. |
29 | History. View history. |
30 | NextValidationException. Go to the next validation exception. |
31 | DeleteSelectedSeries. Delete selected series. |
32 | CancelSeletedSeriesTransform. Cancel transformations performed on selected series. |
33 | CutSelectedSeries. Cut selected series to the clipboard. |
34 | CopySelectedSeries. Copy selected series to the clipboard. |
35 | PasteSeries. Paste selected series from the clipboard. |
36 | GroupSelectedSeries. Combine selected series into a group. |
37 | UnGroupSelectedSeries. Ungroup selected series group. |
38 | SelectChangeCellsStyle. Open dialog box to edit style of the highlighted cell. |
39 | AddToSplice. Add selected cells to Splice. |
40 | RemoveFromSplice. Delete selected cells from Splice. |
41 | RemoveSelectedFacts. Delete selected cells from database. |
42 | PasteAsChildren. Paste series from the clipboard as child series of the currently selected series. |
43 | EditTabCellProperties. Open a dialog box to format selected cells. |
44 | ReleaseSelectedValues. Copy selected computed values to source series. |
See also: