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Express > Express Assembly Enumerations > LanerBoxMethod



The LanerBoxMethod enumeration contains methods of converting a data series in the workbook.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Method is not determined.
  Arithmetic methods
1 Log. Computes series logarithm to a given base.
2 Ln. Computes natural logarithm of a series.
3 Exp. Raises the e number to a power determined by the series values.
4 Mod. Calculates remainder of integer division of series values by a specified number.
5 Addition. Adds two or more series.
6 Multiplication. Multiplies two or more series.
7 Max. Finds maximum value of a series.
8 Min. Finds minimum value of a series.
9 Average. Finds average value of a series.
10 Abs. Calculates absolute series values.
11 Round. Rounds series values.
  Series transformations
100 Rebase. Converts a series using the Rebase method.
101 SpliceSeries. Splices series.
102 Truncate. Truncates series to selected parameters.
103 Lag. Shifts a series forward by a specified number of points in a time period.
104 Lead. Shifts a series backwards by a specified number of points in a time period.
105 PchPoP. Calculates percentage increase between the current value and the previous value.
106 DiffPoP. Calculates the difference between the current and the previous series values using the formula: y[t] = x[t] – x[t-N].
107 DLogPoP. Calculates logistic difference of the current and the previous series points.
108 RateOfChange. Calculates rate of series values' growth.
109 CumulativeMin. Transforms data using the Minimum accumulation method: the minimum value of a range element is determined.
110 CumulativeMax. Transforms data using the Maximum accumulation method: the maximum value of a range element is determined.
111 CumulativeAverage. Transforms data using the Average accumulation method: the mean value of a range element is determined.
112 CumulativeDeviation. Transforms data using the Standard Deviation method: the standard deviation of range element values is determined.
113 CumulativeSum. Transforms data using the Sum accumulation method: the sum of range elements values is determined.
114 CumulativeMultiply. Transforms data using the Product accumulation method: the product of range elements values is determined.
115 GeometricFillGaps. Geometric substitution of missing values in series data.
116 LinearFillGaps. Linear substitution of missing values in series data.
117 RepeatFillGaps. Substitutes missing data in series values with previous non-empty values.
118 SplineFillGaps. Spline substitution of missing data in series values (cubic spline interpolation).
119 ValueFillGaps. Substitutes missing data in series values with a specified value.
120 GrowthRateFillGaps. Growth rate.
121 PreviousGrowthRateFillGaps. Growth rate to the previous period.
122 SucceedingValueFillGaps. The next value.
123 SucceedingGrowthRateFillGaps. Growth rate to the next period.
200 DetermAggregation. Aggregates data by specified parameters (base method).
201 TotalCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Total method: data are calculated by summing up the frequency element values.
202 AverageCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Average method: data are calculated by finding the mean value of frequency elements.
203 MinimumCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Minimum method: data are calculated by finding the minimum value of frequency elements.
204 MaximumCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Maximum method: data are calculated by finding the maximum value of frequency elements.
205 FirstCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the First method: data are calculated by finding the first available value of frequency elements.
206 LastCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Last method: data are calculated by finding the last available value of frequency elements.
207 SpreadCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Spread method: data are calculated by finding the standard frequency deviation.
208 ProrateInterpolation. Disaggregates data from upper level to the lower one using proportional interpolation.
209 RepeatInterpolation. Disaggregates data from upper level to the lower one by repeating values of source series frequency.
701 CrossDimAggregation. Aggregates data by specified parameters (base method).
300 Deterministic. Determinate equation.
400 SlideSmoothing. Smoothes series using slide smoothing.
401 HPFilter. Smoothes series using Hodrick-Prescott filter.
402 X11Monthly. Seasonal decomposition and monthly data correction using the Census2 method.
403 X11Quarterly. Seasonal decomposition and quarterly data correction using the Census2 method.
404 BandpassFilter. Smoothes series using Baxter King filter.
500 ExponentialTrend. Modeling series values using exponential trend.
501 InverseTrend. Modeling series values using reverse trend.
502 LinearTrend. Modeling series values using linear trend.
503 LogarithmicParabolicTrend. Modeling series values using logarithmic parabolic trend.
504 ParabolicTrend. Modeling series values using parabolic trend.
505 GeometricTrend. Modeling series value using geometric trend.
506 ExponentialSmoothing. Modeling series values using exponential smoothing.
507 Arima. Modeling series values using ARIMA method.
508 GreyForecast. Modeling series values using Grey method.
600 LinearRegression. Calculates the Linear Regression method.
601 CointegrationEquation. Calculates the Error Correction Model.
602 NonLinearRegression. Non-linear data transformations.
  Other methods
700 UserMethod. User method.
800 TermInfoMethod. A method that enables the user to set additional parameters.

See also:

Express Assembly Enumerations