Express > Express Assembly Enumerations > LanerBoxMethod
The LanerBoxMethod enumeration contains methods of converting a data series in the workbook.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | None. Method is not determined. |
Arithmetic methods | |
1 | Log. Computes series logarithm to a given base. |
2 | Ln. Computes natural logarithm of a series. |
3 | Exp. Raises the e number to a power determined by the series values. |
4 | Mod. Calculates remainder of integer division of series values by a specified number. |
5 | Addition. Adds two or more series. |
6 | Multiplication. Multiplies two or more series. |
7 | Max. Finds maximum value of a series. |
8 | Min. Finds minimum value of a series. |
9 | Average. Finds average value of a series. |
10 | Abs. Calculates absolute series values. |
11 | Round. Rounds series values. |
Series transformations | |
100 | Rebase. Converts a series using the Rebase method. |
101 | SpliceSeries. Splices series. |
102 | Truncate. Truncates series to selected parameters. |
103 | Lag. Shifts a series forward by a specified number of points in a time period. |
104 | Lead. Shifts a series backwards by a specified number of points in a time period. |
105 | PchPoP. Calculates percentage increase between the current value and the previous value. |
106 | DiffPoP. Calculates the difference between the current and the previous series values using the formula: y[t] = x[t] – x[t-N]. |
107 | DLogPoP. Calculates logistic difference of the current and the previous series points. |
108 | RateOfChange. Calculates rate of series values' growth. |
109 | CumulativeMin. Transforms data using the Minimum accumulation method: the minimum value of a range element is determined. |
110 | CumulativeMax. Transforms data using the Maximum accumulation method: the maximum value of a range element is determined. |
111 | CumulativeAverage. Transforms data using the Average accumulation method: the mean value of a range element is determined. |
112 | CumulativeDeviation. Transforms data using the Standard Deviation method: the standard deviation of range element values is determined. |
113 | CumulativeSum. Transforms data using the Sum accumulation method: the sum of range elements values is determined. |
114 | CumulativeMultiply. Transforms data using the Product accumulation method: the product of range elements values is determined. |
115 | GeometricFillGaps. Geometric substitution of missing values in series data. |
116 | LinearFillGaps. Linear substitution of missing values in series data. |
117 | RepeatFillGaps. Substitutes missing data in series values with previous non-empty values. |
118 | SplineFillGaps. Spline substitution of missing data in series values (cubic spline interpolation). |
119 | ValueFillGaps. Substitutes missing data in series values with a specified value. |
120 | GrowthRateFillGaps. Growth rate. |
121 | PreviousGrowthRateFillGaps. Growth rate to the previous period. |
122 | SucceedingValueFillGaps. The next value. |
123 | SucceedingGrowthRateFillGaps. Growth rate to the next period. |
Aggregation | |
200 | DetermAggregation. Aggregates data by specified parameters (base method). |
201 | TotalCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Total method: data are calculated by summing up the frequency element values. |
202 | AverageCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Average method: data are calculated by finding the mean value of frequency elements. |
203 | MinimumCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Minimum method: data are calculated by finding the minimum value of frequency elements. |
204 | MaximumCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Maximum method: data are calculated by finding the maximum value of frequency elements. |
205 | FirstCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the First method: data are calculated by finding the first available value of frequency elements. |
206 | LastCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Last method: data are calculated by finding the last available value of frequency elements. |
207 | SpreadCollapse. Aggregates data from the lower level to the upper one using the Spread method: data are calculated by finding the standard frequency deviation. |
208 | ProrateInterpolation. Disaggregates data from upper level to the lower one using proportional interpolation. |
209 | RepeatInterpolation. Disaggregates data from upper level to the lower one by repeating values of source series frequency. |
701 | CrossDimAggregation. Aggregates data by specified parameters (base method). |
Calculator | |
300 | Deterministic. Determinate equation. |
Smoothing | |
400 | SlideSmoothing. Smoothes series using slide smoothing. |
401 | HPFilter. Smoothes series using Hodrick-Prescott filter. |
402 | X11Monthly. Seasonal decomposition and monthly data correction using the Census2 method. |
403 | X11Quarterly. Seasonal decomposition and quarterly data correction using the Census2 method. |
404 | BandpassFilter. Smoothes series using Baxter King filter. |
Forecast | |
500 | ExponentialTrend. Modeling series values using exponential trend. |
501 | InverseTrend. Modeling series values using reverse trend. |
502 | LinearTrend. Modeling series values using linear trend. |
503 | LogarithmicParabolicTrend. Modeling series values using logarithmic parabolic trend. |
504 | ParabolicTrend. Modeling series values using parabolic trend. |
505 | GeometricTrend. Modeling series value using geometric trend. |
506 | ExponentialSmoothing. Modeling series values using exponential smoothing. |
507 | Arima. Modeling series values using ARIMA method. |
508 | GreyForecast. Modeling series values using Grey method. |
Regression | |
600 | LinearRegression. Calculates the Linear Regression method. |
601 | CointegrationEquation. Calculates the Error Correction Model. |
602 | NonLinearRegression. Non-linear data transformations. |
Other methods | |
700 | UserMethod. User method. |
800 | TermInfoMethod. A method that enables the user to set additional parameters. |
See also: