Express > Express Assembly Enumerations > EaxSaveSettings
The EaxSaveSettings enumeration is used to determine parameters of saving express report visualizers.
It is used by the following property:
Value | Brief description |
1 | Chart. Chart parameters are saved. |
2 | Grid. Table parameters are saved. |
4 | Map. Map parameters are saved (old version). |
8 | Speedometer. Indicator parameters are saved. |
16 | BubbleChart. Parameters of the bubble chart (old version) are saved. |
32 | BubbleTree. Bubble tree parameters are saved. |
64 | TreeMap. Tree map parameters are saved. |
128 | MapChart. Map parameters are saved (new version). |
256 | VZBubbleChart. Parameters of the bubble chart (new version) are saved. |
4095 | AllObjects. Parameters of all visualizers are saved. |
4096 | EVAFlags. EVA-attributes of visualizers are saved. |
65536 | VisibleLanerSeries. Settings of series visibility are saved. |
1048575 | All. All parameters are saved. |
2097151 | IgnoreEVAOnLoad. EVA-attributes are visualizers are ignored. This value is used only on loading of parameters of express report visualizers. |
4194303 | IgnoreIndicatorsOnLoad. Loading of indicators is ignored. This value is used only on loading of parameters of express report visualizers. |
EVA-attributes are attributes responsible for availability (Enabled), visibility (Visible) and activity (Active) of visualizer.
See also: