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Express > Express Assembly Enumerations > EaxSaveSettings



The EaxSaveSettings enumeration is used to determine parameters of saving express report visualizers.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
1 Chart. Chart parameters are saved.
2 Grid. Table parameters are saved.
4 Map. Map parameters are saved (old version).
8 Speedometer. Indicator parameters are saved.
16 BubbleChart. Parameters of the bubble chart (old version) are saved.
32 BubbleTree. Bubble tree parameters are saved.
64 TreeMap. Tree map parameters are saved.
128 MapChart. Map parameters are saved (new version).
256 VZBubbleChart. Parameters of the bubble chart (new version) are saved.
4095 AllObjects. Parameters of all visualizers are saved.
4096 EVAFlags. EVA-attributes of visualizers are saved.
65536 VisibleLanerSeries. Settings of series visibility are saved.
1048575 All. All parameters are saved.
2097151 IgnoreEVAOnLoad. EVA-attributes are visualizers are ignored. This value is used only on loading of parameters of express report visualizers.
4194303 IgnoreIndicatorsOnLoad. Loading of indicators is ignored. This value is used only on loading of parameters of express report visualizers.


EVA-attributes are attributes responsible for availability (Enabled), visibility (Visible) and activity (Active) of visualizer.

See also:

Express Assembly Enumerations