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Express > Express Assembly Classes > LanerResultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs


Assembly: Express;

Name space: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;


The LanerresultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs class is used to work with arguments of the events that occur with express report chart in the LanerResultsBox component.


To work with the LanerResultsBox development environment component, use properties and methods of the ILanerResultsBox interface.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class used to get an analog of the LanerResultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs class:


Class used to get an analog of the LanerResultsBoxChartChangedEventArgs class object:


Events inherited from IControl

   Event name Brief description
The OnBeginDrag event occurs for the component when the user starts to drag an object from the component.
The OnClick event occurs if the user clicks the component area using the main mouse button.
The OnControlMove event occurs when a component is moved.
The OnControlResize event occurs when a component is resized.
The OnDblClick event occurs if the user double clicks the component area using the mouse button.
The OnDragDrop event occurs for the component, if the user drops the dragged object over it.
The OnDragEnter event occurs when a dragged object crosses the borders of this component.
The OnDragLeave event occurs when a dragged object leaves the borders of this component.
The OnDragOver event occurs for the component when the user drags an object over it.
The OnEnter event occurs when the component is focused.
The OnExit event occurs when the component loses focus.
The OnHScroll event occurs when the horizontal scrollbar slider changes its position.
The OnKeyDown event occurs if the component is focused and the keyboard key is pressed.
The OnKeyPress event occurs if a component is focused when the user presses a character key.
The OnKeyPreview event occurs prior to each event related to key pressing.
The OnKeyUp event occurs if the component is focused and the user releases any button previously pressed.
The OnMouseDown event occurs when the cursor is in the component area and a mouse button is pressed.
The OnMouseEnter event occurs when mouse cursor enters the component area.
The OnMouseHover event occurs when mouse cursor hovers over the component area.
The OnMouseLeave event occurs when mouse cursor leaves the component area.
The OnMouseMove event occurs when the cursor is moved over the component.
The OnMouseUp event occurs when the mouse button is released and the cursor is in the component area.
The OnMouseWheel event occurs if the component is focused on scrolling the mouse wheel.
The OnVScroll event occurs when the vertical scrollbar slider changes its position.

See also:

Express Assembly Classes