Express > Express Assembly Classes > LanerBox > LanerBox.OnLanerChange
Sub OnLanerChange(Sender: Object; Args: ILanerBoxChangeEventArgs);
//set of operators;
End Sub OnLanerCellChange;
Sender. Component that has generated the event.
Args. Event parameters.
The OnLanerChange event occurs when a workbook is changed.
It is possible to identify the workbook section that has been changed by using the Args parameter.
Executing the example requires the form, the LanerBox component with the LanerBox1 name located on this form, and the UiErAnalyzer component used as a data source for LanerBox. The workbook of time series database must be loaded to the UiErAnalyzer. The form also contains the Memo component with Memo1 identifier.
This procedure must be set the OnLanerChange event handler for the LanerBox component.
Sub LanerBox1OnLanerChange(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
Memo1.Lines.Add("Workbook is changed");
End Sub LanerBox1OnLanerChange;
When the workbook is changed, the Memo1 component displays appropriate message.
See also: