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Express > Express Assembly Classes > EaxDataArea


Assembly: Express;

Name space: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;


The EaxDataArea class is used to implement analytical data area.


Analytical  data  area is a data table built on the base of data source slice.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the EaxDataArea class:


Class to get analog of the EaxDataArea class object:


Static class properties inherited from IEaxDataArea

  Property name Brief description
CalcOnChangedData The CalcOnChangedData property determines whether formula calculation is used on changed data without saving it in analytical area.
ControlInfo The ControlInfo property returns an object used to control parameters of analytical data area slice.
DelayedLoad The DelayedLoad property determines whether delayed loading is available for analytical area sheets.
GenerateDimensionParams The GenerateDimensionParams property determines automatic generation of dimension parameters will be used for analytical data area.
Hierarchies The Hierarchies property returns collection of alternative hierarchies of analytical data area.
Params Outdated. Use IEaxDataAreaSlice.Params.
Slices The Slices property returns collection of slices of analytical data area.
Views The Views property returns collection of views of analytical data area.

Static class methods inherited from IEaxDataArea

  Method name Brief description
Clear The Clear method clears analytical data area.
InitMetabase The InitMetabase initializes work with repository objects.

See also:

Express Assembly Classes