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ETL > ETL Assembly Interfaces > IEtlTask


Assembly: Etl;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Etl;


The IEtlTask interface contains properties and methods of ETL task objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with ETL workspace objects that operate with flat data, use properties and methods of the IEtlObject interface.


  Property name Brief description
ActiveChain The ActiveChain property determines the status of objects chain.
Count The Count property returns the number of objects in ETL task.
EventsAssembly The EventsAssembly property determines the repository object used for event handling.
DefaultBlockSize The DefaultBlockSize property determines the default number of processed records on using partial data sampling.
EventsClass The EventsClass property determines ETL task event handler class.
Item The Item property returns ETL task object.
Links The Links property returns the object that contains all links between ETL task objects.
Log The Log property determines a log of ETL task progress.
Modified The Modified property returns True if there are changes in ETL task.
PartialFetch The PartialFetch property determines whether ETL task uses partial data sampling.
ShowInfoBox The ShowInfoBox property determines whether information window opens with ETL task execution result.
Workspace The Workspace property returns the object that contains ETL task workspace.


  Method name Brief description
ActivateObject The ActivateObject method is used to include or exclude the object from chain calculation.
CanDeactivateObject The CanDeactivateObject method is used to determine whether the object is excluded from chain calculation.
Create The Create method creates an ETL task object.
CreatePlainLink The CreatePlainLink method links ETL task objects that operate with flat data.
Execute The Execute method executes ETL task.
FindById The FindById method searches and returns ETL task object.
FindETLPlainLink The FindETLPlainLink method searches and returns an object that contains a link between ETL task objects.
FindWxLink The FindWxLink method searches and returns an object that contains a visual link between ETL task objects.
StopExecute The StopExecute method stops ETL task execution.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces