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ETL > ETL Assembly Interfaces > IEtlPlainIndex



The IEtlPlainIndex interface contains properties and methods of a fields list to indicate a data source index.


  Property name Brief description
Description The Description property determines description (annotation) of data source index.
FieldCount The FieldCount property returns the number of index fields.
Name The Name property determines name of data source index.
PlainInput The PlainInput property returns the object that contains data source.
PlainInputCount The PlainInputCount property returns the number of data sources for index fields.
PlainInputField The PlainInputField property determines a field of corresponding data source.


  Method name Brief description
AddField The AddField method adds an index field.
ClearFields The ClearFields method clears all index fields.
Edit The Edit method creates object copy for editing.
RemoveField The RemoveField method removes index field.
Save The Save method saves editing results.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces