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ETL > ETL Assembly Interfaces > IEtlPlainField



The IEtlPlainField interface contains properties and methods of a field of flat data source or data consumer.


  Property name Brief description
DataType The DataType property determines a field type of flat data source or data consumer.
Description The Description property determines a field description (annotation) of field of flat data source or consumer.
Fields The Fields property returns the object that contains parent fields list.
Id The Id property determines a field identifier of flat data source or consumer.
Key The DataType property returns the key of field of flat data source or consumer.
Name The Name property determines a name of field of flat data source or consumer.
Precision The Precision property determines the precision of the provider/consumer field.
Size The Size property determines the size of the provider/consumer field.


  Method name Brief description
Edit The Edit method creates an object copy for editing.
Save The Save method saves editing results.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces