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Dt > Dt Assembly Interfaces > IDtUserProviderEx > IDtUserProviderEx.CustomProvider


Fore Syntax

CustomProvider: IDtCustomProvider;

Fore.NET Syntax

CustomProvider: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dt.IDtCustomProvider;


The CustomProvider property returns the data provider obtained using custom algorithm.


Data provider is available after the IDtObject.Open method activation only.

Fore example

Executing the example requires a module with the CUSTOM_LOAD identifier containing the MyDtCustomProvider class. Add links to the Metabase, Dt system assemblies.

Sub UserProc_CustomProvider;
    UsProv: IDtUserProviderEx;
    CustProv: IDtCustomProvider;
    Values: Array;
    ReadingRows: Integer;
    UsProv := New DtUserProviderEx.Create;
    UsProv.Metabase := MetabaseClass.Active;
    UsProv.ImplClass := "CUSTOM_LOAD.MyDtCustomProvider";
    CustProv := UsProv.CustomProvider;
    If CustProv.ImplementFetchRows Then
        CustProv.FetchRows(10, Values);
        While Not CustProv.Eof Do
        End While;
    End If;
    ReadingRows := CustProv.ReadingRowsCount;
    Debug.WriteLine("Read " + ReadingRows.ToString + " rows");
End Sub UserProc_CustomProvider;

Result of the example execution: there will be an attempt to load strings from data consumer, that was obtained using a custom algorithm, in the Values array using custom algorithm. In the console window the number of actual loaded strings will be shown.

Fore.NET Example

Executing the example requires a .NET assembly with the CUSTOM_LOAD_NET identifier, containing the MyDtCustomProvider class.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dt;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    UsProv: IDtUserProviderEx;
    CustProv: IDtCustomProvider;
    Values: Array;
    ReadingRows: Integer;
    UsProv := New DtUserProviderEx.Create();
    UsProv.Metabase := Params.Metabase;
    UsProv.ImplClass := "CUSTOM_LOAD_NET.MyDtCustomProvider";
    CustProv := UsProv.CustomProvider;
    If CustProv.ImplementFetchRows() Then
        CustProv.FetchRows(10Var Values);
        While Not CustProv.Eof Do
            CustProv.Fetch(Var Values);
        End While;
    End If;
    ReadingRows := CustProv.ReadingRowsCount();
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Read " + ReadingRows.ToString() + " rows");
End Sub;

Result of the example execution: there will be an attempt to load strings from data consumer, that was obtained using a custom algorithm, in the Values array using custom algorithm. In the console window the number of actual loaded strings will be shown.

See also:
