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Dt > Dt Assembly Enumerations > DtExcelImexMode



The DtExcelImexMode enumeration contains modes, in which values are imported or exported from Excel files.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available values

Value Brief description
0 Export. Not supported.
1 Import. Values of different types are imported and exported.
Data type, used during import or export, is determined by the first n cells. The n value corresponds to the TypeGuessRows key value.
In this mode the following rules of data type determination are used:
  • The n first cells contain data of different types, that is during import or export all the values are converted into the type, indicated in the ImportMixedTypes key (by default Text data type).
  • The n first cells contain data of the same type, that is during import or export all the values are converted into type, which the first n cells have. Values, that cannot be transformed, are substituted with empty values.
2 Linked. Data type is determined by the first cells values.
Data type, used during import or export, is determined by the first n cells. The n value corresponds to the TypeGuessRows key value.
Values, that do not correspond to defined type, are zeroed.
In this mode the following rules of data type determination are used:
  • The n first cells contain data of different types, that is import or export uses the data type characteristic for the most values. Values of all the other types are substituted with empty values.
  • The n first cells contain data of the one type, that is this type is used during import or export. Values of all the other types are substituted with empty values.


Location of keys in the registry depends on the provider which is used data import. For details about providers used and keys assignment can be seen in description of the IDtExcelProvider interface.

See also:

Dt Assembly Enumerations