
Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The IStandardCubeDestination interface contains properties of cube display version.


A display version can be obtained using properties and methods of the IStandardCubeDestinations interface.


  Property name Brief description
AttachmentsStorage The AttachmentsStorage property determines the attachments storage location.
CalcBindings The CalcBindings property returns bindings of the calculated cube facts.
Cube The Cube property returns parent object.
Datasets The Datasets property returns the collection of data sources for a cube.
Dimensions The Dimensions property returns the collection of cube dimensions.
FactBindings The FactBindings property returns bindings of cube facts by the specified data source.
FactDimension The FactDimension property returns dimension parameters of cube facts.
HasAttachmentsSupport The HasAttachmentsSupport property returns whether cube supports work with attachments.
HideTrivialFactDimension The HideTrivialFactDimension property determines whether the fact dimension is to be hidden when working with a cube in the tools of Foresight Analytics Platform.
IsDefault The IsDefault property returns whether there is correspondence with default display version.
Relations The Relations property returns the collection of standard cube relations.
SelectionControl The SelectionControl property returns the collection of controlling cube dimensions.
SelSetOriginalOnly The SelSetOriginalOnly property determines whether data can be aggregated by full-selection dimensions.
UseMultiAttrTable The UseMultiAttrTable property determines whether a single common temporary table is used to store values of attributes, by which dimension connection is made.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the display version is hidden or not.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
The Id property determines an object identifier.
The Key property returns object key.
The Name property determines an object name.


  Method name Brief description
CreateAndSetAttachmentsStorage The CreateAndSetAttachmentsStorage method creates and sets dictionary to store attachments.
MakeDefault The MakeDefault method sets the default variant for a given layout variant.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces