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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IRubricatorInstance


Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The IRubricatorInstance interface contains properties and methods for working with an opened instance of time series database.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get opened instance of time series database, execute the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Open method.


  Brief description
The CalendarDimension property returns calendar dictionary data for factor.
The CalendarLevelsDimension property returns data of calendar dimension of time series database.
The CurrentRevision property returns the current revision of time series database.
The Facts property returns the MDM repository dictionary containing information about factors.
The Measures property returns the MDM repository dictionary containing information about measures.
The Revisions property returns the MDM repository dictionary containing information about revisions.
The RevisionsDimension property returns revision dictionary data of factor.
The RevisionsDimensionPoint property returns factor revision dictionary data on the specific date.
The Rubricator property returns time series databases.
The Segments property returns the collection of data segments of time series database.
The Units property returns the MDM repository dictionary containing information about measurement units.
The UnitsDimension property returns units dictionary data.
The ValidationsDimension property returns validation dictionary data.
The Values property returns the MDM repository dictionary containing information about factors values.


  Brief description
The Clear method clears the series in a time series database according to the specified parameters.
The ClearEx method clears the time series database according to the specified advanced parameters.
The CreateCommonCalendar method creates a common calendar for the series loaded in the time series database.
The CreateDependenciesLookup method creates an object that searches for factors dependencies in the time series database.
The CreateFactsLookup method creates an object searching for factors.
The CreateFactsLookupEx method creates an objects that searches for factors, excluding dummy factors.
The CreateFiltrationMatrix method creates a filtered data matrix.
The CreateFormulasLookup method creates an object searching for formulas.
The CreateObservationsLookup method creates an object searching among factors data.
The CreateValidationsLookup method creates an object searching for validations.
The CutRevisions method compresses the specified revisions range.
The DeleteFacts method removes factors with the specified keys from the time series database.
The DeleteMemberFacts method deletes the factor corresponding to the specified element.
The DeleteMembersFacts method deletes factors corresponding to the specified elements set.
The GetCompoundFactData method returns time series data by its composite key value.
The GetDateInterval method returns maximum and minimum dates, data for which are available in the time series database.
The GetDictionary method returns data of the dictionary that contains information of the time series database.
The GetFactData method returns data of factors dictionary by factor key.
The GetFactDataByMnemo method returns data of factors dictionary by factor mnemonic.
The GetFormulaData method returns formula data by the specified key.
The GetMemberFactData method returns data of factors dictionary by the specified hierarchy element.
The GetObservationValues method returns factor value.
The GetRevision property returns revision by its key.
The GetScenarioExists method returns whether modeling scenarios are used in a time series database.
The GetValidationExecData method returns data on validation calculation by its key.
The LabelRevisions method enables the user to set label for a time series database revision.
The LoadValidationRun method extracts data of validation calculation by the specified selection.
The LookupFactors method searches for factors by the specified conditions.
The Open method places data of time series database to cache.
The OpenFactor method opens factor. This method is not used.
The OpenRevision method creates a new revision.
The RefreshDimensions method refreshes dimensions of opened instance of time series database.
The RegenerateEmpty method updates whether specified factors are empty.
The RegenerateMnemo method regenerates factors mnemonics.
The RollbackData method rolls back to time series database data in the specified revision.
The SaveValidationRun method saves data of validation calculation.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces