Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IFormulaTransformModel > IFormulaTransformModel.AddInputVariable
AddInputVariable(Variable: IVariableStub);
Variable - added series.
The AddInputVariable property adds an input series.
Executing the example requires a form, a button with the Button1 identifier on the form, the TabSheetBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1, which is used as a data source for TabSheetBox. A working area of the time series database must be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1. This database must contain a time series with the 98280 key that contains annual data.
Click the button to execute the example.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Laner: ILaner;
Series: ILanerSeries;
RubrIn: IRubricatorInstance;
Factor: IRubricatorFactor;
Serie: ILanerSourceSerie;
VarStub: IVariableStub;
CalcSerie: ILanerCalculateSerie;
TransformModel: IFormulaTransformModel;
FormulaTransform: IMsFormulaTransform;
Slice: IMsFormulaTransformSlice;
Selector: IMsFormulaTransformSelector;
Formula: IMsFormula;
Arima: IMsArimaTransform;
TermInfo: IMsFormulaTermInfo;
Laner := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer.Laner;
Series := Laner.Series;
RubrIn := Laner.RubricatorInstance;
Factor := RubrIn.GetFactData(98280).Factor;
Serie := Series.AddSourceSerie(Factor);
VarStub := Serie.Stub;
CalcSerie := Series.AddCalculateSerie("ARIMA");
TransformModel := CalcSerie.Transform;
FormulaTransform := TransformModel.Transform As IMsFormulaTransform;
Slice := FormulaTransform.Outputs.Item(0).Slices.Add(Null);
Selector := FormulaTransform.CreateSelector;
Selector.Slice := Slice;
Formula := FormulaTransform.Transform(Selector);
Formula.Kind := MsFormulaKind.Arima;
Formula.Level := DimCalendarLevel.Year;
Arima := Formula.Method As IMsArimaTransform;
Slice := FormulaTransform.Inputs.Item(0).Slices.Add(Null);
TermInfo := FormulaTransform.CreateTermInfo;
TermInfo.Slice := Slice;
Arima.InputFactorTerm := TermInfo;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example the ARIMA new calculated series is added that calculates the factor with the 98280 key using the ARIMA method.
See also: