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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICubeSelectionControlApply



The ICubeSelectionControlApply interface contains properties and methods to control dimension selection of the cube.


Selection control parameters can be obtained using one of the following methods:


  Property name Brief description
Control The Control property returns the parent object, which is used to get the current parameters of selection control.
Instance The Instance property determines the instance of opened object, for which the current parameters of selection control are created.
Mode The Mode property returns the mode that allows for control parameters application.
Options The Options property enables the user to apply control settings via controlling dimension in a calculated cube.
ResultSelection The ResultSelection property returns the output selection obtained after applying control parameters.
SourceSelection The SourceSelection property determines the selection of controlling dimensions that is used to change selection in controlled dimensions.


  Method name Brief description
Apply The Apply method creates a cube selection in the specified mode.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces