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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICubeMetaExporterBinding > ICubeMetaExporterBinding.DynamicsFormat



DynamicsFormat(Level: DimCalendarLevel): String;


The DynamicsFormat property determines format of frequency in a calendar dimension.


Frequency is set in the date format (ICubeMetaExporterBinding.DateFormat) with the $Dyn$ identifier.

If frequency format is not determined, default values are used:

The Level parameter value Frequency format
DimCalendarLevel.Year "A"
DimCalendarLevel.HalfYear "S"
DimCalendarLevel.Quarter "Q"
DimCalendarLevel.Month "M"
DimCalendarLevel.Week "W"
DimCalendarLevel.Day "D"


Executing the example requires a time series database with the OBJ_RUBRICATOR identifier. The database must include the COUNTRIES attribute.

Sub Main;


TextConsumer: IDtTextConsumer;

MB: IMetabase;

Exporter: ICubeMetaExporter;

Binding: ICubeMetaExporterBinding;

Filter: ICubeMetaExporterFilter;

FilterValues: Array;


// Data consumer for exporting to the textual format

TextConsumer := New DtTextConsumer.Create;

TextConsumer.File := "C:\result_meta_exp.txt";

TextConsumer.FormatType := DtTextFormatType.Delimited;

TextConsumer.DelimitedColumnDelimiter := ";";

TextConsumer.DelimitedTextQualifier := """";

TextConsumer.Encoding := "WIN";

TextConsumer.WriteHeader := True;


// Export parameters

Exporter := New CubeMetaExporterClass.Create;

MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

Exporter.Rubricator := MB.ItemById("OBJ_RUBRICATOR").Bind As IRubricator;

Exporter.Consumer := TextConsumer As IDtConsumer;

Binding := Exporter.Bindings.Add;

Binding.FieldName := "CountryKey";

Binding.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;

Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaExporterBindingType.Attribute;

Binding.Attribute := "COUNTRIES";

Binding.KeyField := "KEY";


Binding := Exporter.Bindings.Add;

Binding.FieldName := "Date";

Binding.DataType := DbDataType.String;

Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaExporterBindingType.Calendar;

Binding.DateFormat := "$Dyn$_$Year$-$Quarter$";

Binding.DynamicsFormat(DimCalendarLevel.Year) := "A1";

Binding.DynamicsFormat(DimCalendarLevel.Quarter) := "Q1";

Binding.ValueDataType := DbDataType.Float;

Binding.ValueFieldName := "Value";

Binding.ValueDataType := DbDataType.Float;


Exporter.ByColumns := False;

Exporter.PeriodStart := DateTime.Parse("01.01.2000");

Exporter.PeriodEnd := DateTime.Parse("01.01.2008");

Exporter.CalendarLevel := DimCalendarLevel.None;

Filter := Exporter.Filters.Add;

Filter.Attribute := "COUNTRIES";

FilterValues := New Variant[2];

FilterValues[0] := 512;

FilterValues[1] := 914;

Filter.ValuesList := FilterValues;


// Export


End Sub Main;

After executing the example indicators are exported to the C:\result_meta_exp.txt file. Data from 2000 to 2008 years is exported for factors, which value of the COUNTRIES property is equal to 512 or 914.

Example of export file fragment

See also:
