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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICubeMetaCopier



The ICubeMetaCopier interface contains properties and methods that are used to copy factors from a time series database.


  Property name Brief description
The Bindings property determines binding of source database attributes to consumer database attributes.
The CalendarLevel property determines level of data detail.
The DestinationRubricator property determines a consumer database.
The DestinationRubricatorInstance property determines data of consumer database.
The ImportObjectKey property determines a key of an object used for copying.
The Log property returns a report on time series copying.
The NewRevisionName property determines a name of created revision.
The SourceRubricator property determines a source database.
The SourceRubricatorInstance property determines data of source database.


  Method name Brief description
Copy The Copy method copies factors.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces