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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > ICubeInstanceDestinationExecutor



The ICubeInstanceDestinationExecutor interface contains properties and methods that are used to calculate a cube instance.


  Property name Brief description
AffectSelection The AffectSelection property returns selection of dimensions changed on calculation.
BasicUnit The BasicUnit property determines a measurement unit for calculation.
Callback The Callback property determines an object that handles errors that can occur on cube instance calculation.
Destination The Destination property returns an parent cube instance.
DimensionsIntegrityCheck The DimensionsIntegrityCheck property determines whether it is checked if dictionaries included into selection are built.
DrillThrough The DrillThrough property returns the collection of drillthrough elements on cube calculation.
IncludeAttachments The IncludeAttachments property determines whether information about attachments will be obtained on calculation.
Matrix The Matrix property returns an output matrix with data.
ScenarioKey The ScenarioKey property determines the key of scenario dictionary by which the calculation is performed.
WithoutScaling The WithoutScaling property determines behavior on using zoom.


  Method name Brief description
AddAffect The method is outdated. The AddAffect method adds data source dimensions for calculation.
PerformExecute The PerformExecute method is used for calculation.
PerformExecuteO The PerformExecuteO method calculates a cube in the specified mode.
PrepareExecute The PrepareExecute method prepares calculation.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces